Time for prizes! I think the main thing is flow - each of these entries was great but some of them dont flow really smoothly - this kind of poetry has to scan, its got to flow off the tongue like
something really smoothly!
GOLD STARS for passing the Flow Test
- RW
- Ruud
MCC gets the
OVERALL GRAND PRIZE- for content that makes you think in a twisted kind of way. (Judge's bias.

PATs on the back
Tarek gets an
OCE-NON (which is self-explanatory

Luna gets a
QTip Quickest To Improve Person for writing
obviously not the winning entry to
'this will be the winning entry' in one move.
She also gets the
QOOTIE - Quantum Optime Omnis Totus Itero Enthusiasticus - pronounced Cutie not Cootie for commendable output.
RW wins the
PFF! = Pretty Funny Finnish! for most creative use of the English language on the final word. S/he also qualifies for a
QTipRuud's Alternative Entry wins an
R.AE (pending) and also a
SPLOSH (Spelling Lacks Overall Standard Hexpected)
AM gets a
LOLLIP3P LOL Look I Posted 3 Poems
underquark gets
LOST In Translation - and also an
Ascendo Tuum

- a reminder that you need to place a smiley face after derogatory remarks to remove the sting.
underquark, we posted some Haiku way way back - here's mine
Not love affairs:
naked pairs and XY wings
and yet puzzling