MacKaiwer wrote:....... but if in sudoku one must take a guess then that one may be not checked and not verified, am I right?
That's right and that's why guessing is frowned upon by most regular sudoku players.
MacKaiwer wrote:Maybe I am wrong with my opinion of Pappocom Sudoku, (I have played with that program only two games, might be overreacting), maybe I did a mistake or was not concentreating good enough, maybe your program is errorless,
Pappocom's program is not my program specifically, it was written by Wayne Gould who also administers this Forum. I
have used his program extensively, for at least a year, (if not more, I can't actually remember!) and I can say with confidence that I've
never met a puzzle that required guessing.
MacKaiwer wrote:but still my opinion is that pc sudoku programs do mistakes in their games and then You must guess in some point of game... They are still doing random selection when making new game and all of them may not check and verify properly the result... I might not be the best sudoku player but I'm not so bad either and I think I might be partly right with my opinion that pc's and their programs are not always right in what they do!
But with all respect, I'm not perfect human being, I might be wrong and therefor I admit my mistakes and ask your forgivness

You are entitled to your opinion and are welcome to express it, carefully

, and of course, forgiven.
You can, of course, post any puzzle you're having trouble with - in the 'Help with particular puzzles' section you'll find all the information you need to do this and (conveniently!) that's the section you post the particular puzzle you're having trouble with. There is always someone who is willing to point out the very next step to you and in beginner's language.