999_Springs wrote:i still have somewhere on my old laptop a big file of every possible 6x6 sudoku after all the singles are filled in, based on work from mathimagics. there are 542257 of them, and i'll look through them to see if any hard ones have an isomorph that is a palindrome if i can work out how to do it
edit: his 6x6 collection is minlexed by solution grid so all i have to do is find out which of the 49 6x6 solution grids have an isomorph that is a palindrome, which is much easier
well this was the biggest waste of time in the universe.
of the 49 6x6 solution grids, 4 have a palindromic isomorph
i chose to look at the 542257 not-all-singles 6x6s only after all the singles were filled in, because if such a palindromic not-all-singles 6x6 exists, then doing all the singles cannot break the palindromic property since any single will have its counterpart on the other side of the grid meaning that it will be palindromic when you do both singles. that means that i won't miss any palindromic not-all-singles puzzles if i insist on doing all the singles at the start. and of course, gurth's symmetry theorem means that any palindromic puzzle must have a palindromic solution if unique
44144 of the 542257 have a solution that has a palindromic isomorph. 1084 of these 44144 have each digit occurring an even number of times in the puzzle, which is a necessary condition
ZERO of the puzzles have a palindromic isomorph

i've checked my code multiple times and am confident that there is no bug and these palindromic not-all-singles 6x6 puzzles don't exist. what a waste of time. next time i get this bored i'll throw toilet paper at a tree instead since that would be a more productive use of my time
i wonder if there is any reason why not-all-singles palindromic 6x6s cannot exist but can't think of one
edit: i checked for near misses. 0 of the 44144 puzzles were 1 clue away from being palindromic. 44 were 2 away, all of which had #3 of the above palindromic grids as their solution. all 44 were singles-only if i add the symmetric counterparts of the 2 extra clues. boring.