Values of givens symmetrically identical

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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby m_b_metcalf » Sun May 09, 2021 9:12 am

coloin wrote:I got this far ... well done ... maybe that method would work !!

I'd be interested to know whether you succeed! My highly biased grid generator attempted something similar: fill in rows 1 to 8 and then try to copy them in reverse order into rows 9 to 16. The best result, after hours of trying, was given in the earlier posts.



P.S. Another puzzle with fewer clues:
Code: Select all
        3     5                   12    14     
     6     8       11       14        1         
    10 11             16  1              6  7   
 13       16     2              7     9       12
     4           8     6 11     9          13   
  7  8          12    10 15    13           1  2
             15    13        4     2           
    16    14  3           7        6 11     9   
     9    11  6        7           3 14    16   
              2     4       13    15           
  2  1          13    15 10    12           8  7
    13           9    11  6     8           4   
 12        9     7              2    16       13
     7  6              1 16             11 10   
           1       14       11        8     6   
       14    12                    5     3        92 clues, minimal, all clues symmetrical, very hard
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby coloin » Sun May 09, 2021 7:59 pm

Well done ... it had to be out there !!!
Also ... been thinking about it - perhaps there is actually only one ED pallindromic solution grid !!

Edit - didnt have to look far though ...

and funnily enough it looks like Mathimagics has constructed the solution grid before !!
M A grid [most automorphisms]
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby m_b_metcalf » Mon May 10, 2021 9:01 am

coloin wrote:Also ... been thinking about it - perhaps there is actually only one ED pallindromic solution grid !!

Methinks 999_Springs' grid and Mathimagics' are different. That makes two!


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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby coloin » Mon May 10, 2021 1:44 pm

Yes maybe the outside ring of 12 boxes perhaps has to be fixed canonically .
and the options come from the way you fill in box 6 [not 5]], - this fixes box 11 and consequently defines the grid solution
Last edited by coloin on Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby m_b_metcalf » Mon May 10, 2021 2:47 pm

coloin wrote:Yes maybe the outside ring of 12 boxes perhaps has to be fixed canonically .
and the options come from the way you fill in box 5, [which fixes box 11 and defines the grid solution]

Maybe. Anyway, 999_Springs' grid has 384 (6x64) UA4s and Mathimagics' 256 (4x64).


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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby 999_Springs » Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:00 pm

i tried to generate palindromic 16x16 grids from scratch, by treating each grid as an 8x16 half-sudoku where the columns wrap around to the other side, i.e. r1c1...r8c1 and r1c16...r8c16 is a column, and so on.

i coded the following (naive and highly inefficient) algorithm in python from scratch
Code: Select all
fill top row with 1-16
while top half of sudoku is not filled:
    choose empty cell at random
    assign a possible candidate value for that cell at random
    do all singles
    if contradiction:
        throw the sudoku away and start again
print solution

of course using a recursion algorithm rather than throwing away an invalid sudoku would be much better, but this works for proof of concept that 16x16 palindromic solution grids are easy to find, and i couldn't quite fix the bugs in my code for the recursion, so i left it out. this found a valid grid on about 3% of iterations and i got about 2 valid grids a minute

here are 52 of them until i stopped the process after about half an hour. i replaced 10-16 by a-g for brevity. each line only represents the top half of the sudoku grid; the bottom half is, of course, the top half in reverse
palindromic 16x16 solution grids: Show

hope you enjoy these mike
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby m_b_metcalf » Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:56 pm

999_Springs wrote:hope you enjoy these mike

Many thanks, I did. Based on the first half-grid, I produced the two puzzle below.



Code: Select all
  1  .  .  2  .  .  3  .  4  5  .  .  6  .  .  7
  .  4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1  .
  .  .  .  8  9  .  . 10  .  .  .  3 11  .  .  .
  .  .  9  . 12  .  . 13 11  .  .  2  . 10  .  .
  .  . 14  .  .  .  .  3  9  .  .  .  .  6  .  .
  8  .  .  .  .  .  .  7 15  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
  .  2  . 16  .  .  1  8 14  6  .  . 15 13  3  .
 10  .  5  .  . 15  9  .  . 11  7  .  .  1  . 16
 16  .  1  .  .  7 11  .  .  9 15  .  .  5  . 10
  .  3 13 15  .  .  6 14  8  1  . 10 16  .  2  .
 12  .  .  .  .  .  . 15  7  .  .  .  .  .  .  8
  .  .  6  .  .  .  .  .  3  .  .  .  . 14  .  .
  .  . 10  .  2  .  . 11 13  .  . 12  .  9  .  .
  .  .  . 11  3  .  .  . 10  .  .  9  8  .  .  .
  .  1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4  .
  7  .  .  6  .  .  5  4  .  3  .  .  2  .  .  1  Extremely hard, not quite symmetric, minimal, SE = 11.6/1.2/1.2.

Code: Select all
  .  .  .  .  1  .  .  .  .  .  .  2  .  .  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  3  4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  2  5  .  6  .  .  7  8  9 10  .  . 11  . 12  3
  4 13 14  . 12  .  .  2 11  .  . 15  .  8 10 16
  7  .  .  . 11  3  . 16 14  .  2  9  .  .  . 15
  .  . 11  9  . 15  .  .  .  . 16  . 14  7  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6 10  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  8  2  3  .  4  1  .  .  .  .  5  7  .  9  6 13
 13  6  9  .  7  5  .  .  .  .  1  4  .  3  2  8
  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10  6  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  .  7 14  . 16  .  .  .  . 15  .  9 11  .  .
 15  .  .  .  9  2  . 14 16  .  3 11  .  .  .  7
 16 10  8  . 15  .  . 11  2  .  . 12  . 14 13  4
  3 12  . 11  .  . 10  9  8  7  .  .  6  .  5  2
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4  3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  .  .  .  2  .  .  .  .  .  .  1  .  .  .  .  Very easy, symmetric, not minimal, SE 2.3/1.2/1.2.

Grids renumbered to obscure order of solution values in rows 1 and 16.

[Edit: SE rating updated oncetwice.]
Last edited by m_b_metcalf on Tue Nov 16, 2021 4:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby coloin » Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:56 pm

Nice work at finding those 52 grids, its difficult to say whether there will be some or all ED grid solutions ... maybe Mathimagics can tell us.

Do some have the same Box completion ?
Code: Select all
 1  2  3  4
 5  .  .  8
 9  .  . 12
13 14 15 16

but a different central 4 box completion .... [ box 6 implies 11 > completes grid].

EDIT - it might be that B1B2B3B4B5 - plus B6 - will define the palindromic grid

and another correction

only a suitable B1B2B3B5B9 with a suitable B6 defines the palindromic grid

Code: Select all
 1  2  3  .
 5  6  .  8
 9  . 11 12
 . 14 15 16

so i can forsee many 16*16 palindromic grids
Last edited by coloin on Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby Mathimagics » Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:17 pm

I checked, 52 grids, all ED ...
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby m_b_metcalf » Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:06 pm

Meanwhile, first update to the SE16 rating of the 1st. puzzle made above. SE16 is still running!
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby coloin » Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:30 pm

m_b_metcalf wrote:Meanwhile, first update to the SE16 rating of the 1st. puzzle made above. SE16 is still running!

Whist its running here is an 8x8 by hand
Code: Select all

Code: Select all
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby 1to9only » Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:56 pm

m_b_metcalf wrote:Meanwhile, first update to the SE16 rating of the 1st. puzzle made above. SE16 is still running!

It is rated ED=11.6/1.2/1.2.

Solution: Show
Code: Select all
  1 11 12  2 15 14  3 16  4  5 10 13  6  8  9  7
 14  4  3 10  8 11  2  5  6 12  9  7 13 16  1 15
 13  7 15  8  9  6  4 10  1 14 16  3 11  2 12  5
  6 16  9  5 12  1  7 13 11 15  8  2  4 10 14  3
  4 15 14 12 11  5 16  3  9  8 13  1  7  6 10  2
  8  6 11  1 14  2 13  7 15 10  3 16  9  4  5 12
  9  2  7 16 10  4  1  8 14  6 12  5 15 13  3 11
 10 13  5  3  6 15  9 12  2 11  7  4 14  1  8 16
 16  8  1 14  4  7 11  2 12  9 15  6  3  5 13 10
 11  3 13 15  5 12  6 14  8  1  4 10 16  7  2  9
 12  5  4  9 16  3 10 15  7 13  2 14  1 11  6  8
  2 10  6  7  1 13  8  9  3 16  5 11 12 14 15  4
  3 14 10  4  2  8 15 11 13  7  1 12  5  9 16  6
  5 12  2 11  3 16 14  1 10  4  6  9  8 15  7 13
 15  1 16 13  7  9 12  6  5  2 11  8 10  3  4 14
  7  9  8  6 13 10  5  4 16  3 14 15  2 12 11  1

Path: Show
Code: Select all
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C11: 3 in block: r6c11=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R8C4: 3 in block: r8c4=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C6: 3 in block: r11c6=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R9C13: 3 in block: r9c13=3
1.5, Hidden Single: R3C9: 1 in column: r3c9=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C6: 1 in block: r4c6=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C8: 1 in block: r14c8=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R13C11: 1 in block: r13c11=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R15C9: 5 in column: r15c9=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R7C3: 7 in row: r7c3=7
1.5, Hidden Single: R10C14: 7 in row: r10c14=7
2.3, Naked Single: R1C8: 16: r1c8=16
2.3, Naked Single: R16C9: 16: r16c9=16
2.6, Pointing: Cells R6C2,R8C2: 6 in block and column: r3c2<>6, r4c2<>6
2.6, Pointing: Cells R5C15,R8C15: 8 in block and column: r1c15<>8, r4c15<>8
2.6, Pointing: Cells R9C2,R12C2: 8 in block and column: r13c2<>8, r16c2<>8
2.6, Pointing: Cells R9C15,R11C15: 6 in block and column: r13c15<>6, r14c15<>6
3.2, X-Wing: Cells R2C5,R2C12,R15C5,R15C12: 7 in 2 columns and 2 rows: r2c4<>7, r2c7<>7, r2c10<>7, r15c7<>7, r15c10<>7, r15c13<>7
3.2, X-Wing: Cells R2C3,R2C14,R15C3,R15C14: 3 in 2 columns and 2 rows: r2c1<>3, r2c16<>3, r15c1<>3, r15c16<>3
3.2, X-Wing: Cells R8C8,R9C8,R8C9,R9C9: 2 in 2 rows and 2 columns: r2c8<>2, r12c8<>2
3.2, X-Wing: Cells R7C6,R10C6,R7C11,R10C11: 12 in 2 rows and 2 columns: r1c11<>12, r2c11<>12, r3c11<>12, r5c6<>12, r5c11<>12, r12c6<>12, r12c11<>12, r14c6<>12, r15c6<>12, r16c6<>12
5.2, Jellyfish: Cells R3C1,R4C1,R3C6,R13C6,R14C6,R3C11,R4C11,R14C11,R13C16,R14C16: 6 in 4 rows and 4 columns: r2c1<>6, r2c6<>6, r2c11<>6, r6c6<>6, r11c11<>6, r15c6<>6, r15c11<>6, r15c16<>6
6.6, Turbot Fish (w/4 nodes): R12C2.9 off: r12c2<>9
7.1, Forcing Chain (w/6 nodes): R2C3.12 off: r2c3<>12
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R15C1.9 on ==> R10C16.9 both on & off: r15c1<>9
8.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/16 nodes): R12C7.12 on ==> R2C9.12 both on & off: r12c7<>12
9.0, Region Forcing Chains (w/17 nodes): 3 in block ==> R15C14.12 off: r15c14<>12
9.0, Region Forcing Chains (w/17 nodes): 12 in block ==> R5C10.12 off: r5c10<>12
7.1, Bidirectional Cycle (w/6 nodes): R7C11,R8C9,R8C8,R9C8,R10C6,R7C6: r12c8<>12
7.3, Forcing Chain (w/10 nodes): R10C6.9 off: r10c6<>9
2.6, Pointing: Cells R12C6,R12C8: 9 in block and row: r12c1<>9, r12c4<>9, r12c13<>9, r12c15<>9, r12c16<>9
3.2, X-Wing: Cells R7C1,R10C1,R7C16,R10C16: 9 in 2 rows and 2 columns: r2c16<>9
8.9, Region Forcing Chains (w/14 nodes): 4 in block ==> R12C10.4 off: r12c10<>4
9.0, Region Forcing Chains (w/17 nodes): 6 in block ==> R2C5.6 off: r2c5<>6
8.3, Region Forcing Chains (w/10 nodes): 4 in block ==> R11C7.4 off: r11c7<>4
8.3, Region Forcing Chains (w/10 nodes): 4 in block ==> R12C7.4 off: r12c7<>4
9.1, Region Forcing Chains (w/26 nodes): 6 in block ==> R13C1.3 on: r13c1<>4,5,14,15, r13c1=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C3: 3 in block: r2c3=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C16: 3 in block: r4c16=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C14: 3 in block: r15c14=3
9.0, Region Forcing Chains (w/21 nodes): 4 in block ==> R11C10.4 off: r11c10<>4
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/45 nodes): R1C11.8 on ==> R4C11.14 both on & off: r1c11<>8
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/47 nodes): R6C7.4 on ==> R12C11.2 both on & off: r6c7<>4
9.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/56 nodes): R14C11.2 on ==> R16C3.12 both on & off: r14c11<>2
9.3, Region Forcing Chains (w/64 nodes): 4 in block ==> R6C10.4 off: r6c10<>4
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/120 nodes): R6C4.4 on ==> R3C16.4 both on & off: r6c4<>4
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/121 nodes): R5C4.4 on ==> R3C16.4 both on & off: r5c4<>4
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/133 nodes): R13C16.15 on ==> R7C16.4 both on & off: r13c16<>15
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/146 nodes): R3C6.4 on ==> R16C12.11 both on & off: r3c6<>4
2.6, Pointing: Cells R3C7,R4C7: 4 in block and column: r5c7<>4
9.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/201 nodes): R5C10.4 on ==> R5C13.7 both on & off: r5c10<>4
2.8, Claiming: Cells R13C10,R14C10: 4 in column and block: r14c11<>4
9.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/58 nodes): R1C11.14 on ==> R10C1.11 both on & off: r1c11<>14
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/156 nodes): R4C1.15 on ==> R15C4.14 both on & off: r4c1<>15
9.7, Region Forcing Chains (w/38 nodes): 6 in block ==> R13C6.6 off: r13c6<>6
1.5, Hidden Single: R13C16: 6 in row: r13c16=6
9.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/84 nodes): R2C1.5 on ==> R11C3.2 both on & off: r2c1<>5
9.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/90 nodes): R6C13.4 on ==> R12C1.5 both on & off: r6c13<>4
9.9, Double Forcing Chain (w/92 nodes): R4C1.6 on & off ==> R4C1.14 off: r4c1<>14
9.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/90 nodes): R4C11.6 on ==> R12C1.2 both on & off: r4c11<>6
1.5, Hidden Single: R4C1: 6 in row: r4c1=6
9.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/94 nodes): R3C6.14 on ==> R16C12.11 both on & off: r3c6<>14
10.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/109 nodes): R12C13.4 on ==> R6C4.13 both on & off: r12c13<>4
10.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/113 nodes): R11C13.4 on ==> R6C4.13 both on & off: r11c13<>4
10.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/124 nodes): R2C16.5 on ==> R15C11.11 both on & off: r2c16<>5
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/145 nodes): R16C6.8 on ==> R2C9.12 both on & off: r16c6<>8
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/151 nodes): R2C13.5 on ==> R12C12.11 both on & off: r2c13<>5
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/170 nodes): R11C4.4 on ==> R12C13.1 both on & off: r11c4<>4
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/180 nodes): R2C4.5 on ==> R7C16.5 both on & off: r2c4<>5
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C5,R2C6,R2C8: 5 in row and block: r3c6<>5
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/188 nodes): R2C5.5 on ==> R4C4.5 both on & off: r2c5<>5
10.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/168 nodes): R2C6.5 on ==> R16C12.15 both on & off: r2c6<>5
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C8: 5 in block: r2c8=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C6: 6 in block: r3c6=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R14C11: 6 in column: r14c11=6
2.3, Naked Single: R12C8: 9: r12c8=9
10.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/185 nodes): R15C13.14 on ==> R6C2.13 both on & off: r15c13<>14
10.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/216 nodes): R11C7.2 on ==> R5C2.15 both on & off: r11c7<>2
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/273 nodes): R6C5.10 on ==> R2C1.11 both on & off: r6c5<>10
10.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/410 nodes): R2C4.14 on ==> R8C12.4 both on & off: r2c4<>14
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/142 nodes): R2C11.13 on ==> R12C1.5 both on & off: r2c11<>13
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/667 nodes): R7C11.5 on ==> R4C2.16 both on & off: r7c11<>5
11.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/369 nodes): R2C12.13 on ==> R2C14.16 both on & off: r2c12<>13
11.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/382 nodes): R2C11.8 on ==> R3C1.5 both on & off: r2c11<>8
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/444 nodes): R2C13.14 on ==> R9C4.14 both on & off: r2c13<>14
10.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/444 nodes): R15C5.13 on ==> R16C12.14 both on & off: r15c5<>13
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/482 nodes): R6C7.10 on ==> R15C4.13 both on & off: r6c7<>10
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/486 nodes): R6C10.2 on ==> R16C15.10 both on & off: r6c10<>2
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/565 nodes): R5C10.2 on ==> R1C12.14 both on & off: r5c10<>2
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/513 nodes): R5C5.10 on ==> R1C5.11 both on & off: r5c5<>10
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/547 nodes): R6C6.10 on ==> R16C6.13 both on & off: r6c6<>10
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/596 nodes): R5C6.10 on ==> R15C5.7 both on & off: r5c6<>10
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/610 nodes): R5C7.10 on ==> R14C15.14 both on & off: r5c7<>10
2.6, Pointing: Cells R7C5,R7C6: 10 in block and row: r7c11<>10
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/257 nodes): R7C5.5 on ==> R13C4.5 both on & off: r7c5<>5
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/337 nodes): R12C7.2 on ==> R11C14.11 both on & off: r12c7<>2
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/529 nodes): R10C6.5 on ==> R13C15.16 both on & off: r10c6<>5
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/648 nodes): R11C12.4 on ==> R1C3.12 both on & off: r11c12<>4
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/708 nodes): R1C2.15 on ==> R15C10.14 both on & off: r1c2<>15
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/798 nodes): R15C4.14 on ==> R12C13.13 both on & off: r15c4<>14
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/978 nodes): R9C15.12 on ==> R5C16.5 both on & off: r9c15<>12
2.6, Pointing: Cells R12C13,R12C15: 12 in block and row: r12c10<>12
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C10,R3C10: 12 in column and block: r2c9<>12
2.0, Direct Hidden Pair: Cells R8C9,R9C9: 2,12 in column: r9c9<>6, r2c9=6
10.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/504 nodes): R15C3.2 on ==> R16C15.10 both on & off: r15c3<>2
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/901 nodes): R5C7.12 on ==> R1C12.15 both on & off: r5c7<>12
2.8, Claiming: Cells R14C7,R15C7: 12 in column and block: r15c8<>12
2.0, Direct Hidden Pair: Cells R8C8,R9C8: 2,12 in column: r8c8<>6, r15c8=6
2.8, Claiming: Cells R5C2,R5C4: 12 in row and block: r8c2<>12
11.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/1392 nodes): R16C11.11 on ==> R14C7.15 both on & off: r16c11<>11
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/42 nodes): R2C11.14 on ==> R1C15.12 both on & off: r2c11<>14
10.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/147 nodes): R16C6.14 on ==> R11C13.13 both on & off: r16c6<>14
10.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/404 nodes): R2C14.2 on ==> R2C13.13 both on & off: r2c14<>2
11.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/201 nodes): 13 in block ==> R2C10.13 off: r2c10<>13
11.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/287 nodes): R1C15.15 on ==> R12C12.16 both on & off: r1c15<>15
11.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/295 nodes): R15C11.14 on ==> R14C16.13 both on & off: r15c11<>14
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/402 nodes): R1C15.14 on ==> R14C3.2 both on & off: r1c15<>14
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/436 nodes): R1C2.14 on ==> R13C2.16 both on & off: r1c2<>14
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/519 nodes): R3C7.14 on ==> R16C15.10 both on & off: r3c7<>14
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/547 nodes): R3C2.13 on ==> R1C3.11 both on & off: r3c2<>13
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/627 nodes): R3C10.16 on ==> R15C13.13 both on & off: r3c10<>16
11.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/661 nodes): R16C5.8 on ==> R4C4.5 both on & off: r16c5<>8
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/783 nodes): R2C10.8 on ==> R16C3.15 both on & off: r2c10<>8
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/811 nodes): R14C10.14 on ==> R4C10.7 both on & off: r14c10<>14
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/892 nodes): R6C13.14 on ==> R3C2.14 both on & off: r6c13<>14
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/936 nodes): R1C12.8 on ==> R2C4.10 both on & off: r1c12<>8
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/271 nodes): R1C14.15 on ==> R11C13.13 both on & off: r1c14<>15
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/260 nodes): R15C7.8 on ==> R2C10.14 both on & off: r15c7<>8
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/405 nodes): R15C6.8 on ==> R16C14.12 both on & off: r15c6<>8
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/480 nodes): R13C10.14 on ==> R3C11.13 both on & off: r13c10<>14
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/846 nodes): R16C15.14 on ==> R12C16.13 both on & off: r16c15<>14
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/777 nodes): R15C12.14 on ==> R1C6.14 both on & off: r15c12<>14
11.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/963 nodes): R1C11.13 on ==> R9C4.14 both on & off: r1c11<>13
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/154 nodes): R11C12.13 on ==> R5C5.11 both on & off: r11c12<>13
9.8, Cell Forcing Chains (w/53 nodes): R11C4 ==> R11C13.9 off: r11c13<>9
9.9, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/93 nodes): R12C5.13 on ==> R1C6.8 both on & off: r12c5<>13
11.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/105 nodes): R14C2.13 on ==> R6C4.1 both on & off: r14c2<>13
11.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/231 nodes): R15C6.13 on ==> R1C5.14 both on & off: r15c6<>13
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/400 nodes): R5C2.13 on ==> R11C10.14 both on & off: r5c2<>13
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/337 nodes): R16C2.14 on ==> R12C13.12 both on & off: r16c2<>14
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/461 nodes): R5C15.5 on ==> R1C11.9 both on & off: r5c15<>5
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/482 nodes): R15C7.13 on ==> R1C5.8 both on & off: r15c7<>13
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/504 nodes): R16C15.15 on ==> R5C1.15 both on & off: r16c15<>15
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/330 nodes): R2C13.12 on ==> R14C1.2 both on & off: r2c13<>12
9.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/218 nodes): R3C15.13 on ==> R4C11.16 both on & off: r3c15<>13
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/257 nodes): R2C16.13 on ==> R11C12.14 both on & off: r2c16<>13
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/288 nodes): R2C5.14 on ==> R5C11.5 both on & off: r2c5<>14
11.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/505 nodes): R1C15.12 on ==> R14C2.15 both on & off: r1c15<>12
3.0, Naked Pair: Cells R1C15,R2C13: 9,13 in block: r3c16<>13
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/145 nodes): R16C2.15 on ==> R13C6.8 both on & off: r16c2<>15
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/257 nodes): R2C10.15 on ==> R11C13.13 both on & off: r2c10<>15
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/297 nodes): R16C2.12 on ==> R6C14.2 both on & off: r16c2<>12
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/120 nodes): R14C14.12 on ==> R1C5.15 both on & off: r14c14<>12
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/163 nodes): R12C5.8 on ==> R14C1.4 both on & off: r12c5<>8
10.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/214 nodes): R2C14.15 on ==> R9C4.4 both on & off: r2c14<>15
10.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/221 nodes): R12C5.16 on ==> R8C12.8 both on & off: r12c5<>16
10.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/232 nodes): R14C10.15 on ==> R6C14.11 both on & off: r14c10<>15
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/258 nodes): R14C1.15 on ==> R2C10.12 both on & off: r14c1<>15
10.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/313 nodes): R3C3.12 on ==> R11C12.14 both on & off: r3c3<>12
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/117 nodes): R3C15.16 on ==> R7C16.5 both on & off: r3c15<>16
10.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/199 nodes): R15C1.13 on ==> R15C16.15 both on & off: r15c1<>13
10.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/155 nodes): R14C7.15 on ==> R2C6.11 both on & off: r14c7<>15
10.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/234 nodes): R15C16.15 on ==> R4C11.14 both on & off: r15c16<>15
10.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/256 nodes): R2C14.12 on ==> R9C2.8 both on & off: r2c14<>12
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/134 nodes): R2C10.14 on ==> R16C12.11 both on & off: r2c10<>14
10.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/111 nodes): R14C2.15 on ==> R11C13.13 both on & off: r14c2<>15
10.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/147 nodes): R16C14.15 on ==> R15C1.14 both on & off: r16c14<>15
10.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/169 nodes): R10C16.4 on ==> R6C6.5 both on & off: r10c16<>4
10.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/111 nodes): R15C16.11 on ==> R15C5.7 both on & off: r15c16<>11
2.6, Pointing: Cells R16C14,R16C15: 11 in block and row: r16c12<>11
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/109 nodes): R13C7.16 on ==> R14C3.4 both on & off: r13c7<>16
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/171 nodes): R15C11.8 on ==> R13C15.14 both on & off: r15c11<>8
9.8, Cell Forcing Chains (w/56 nodes): R3C14 ==> R3C16.14 off: r3c16<>14
9.8, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/58 nodes): R13C13.14 on ==> R5C15.10 both on & off: r13c13<>14
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/110 nodes): R7C1.4 on ==> R4C15.16 both on & off: r7c1<>4
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/146 nodes): R14C1.13 on ==> R1C12.14 both on & off: r14c1<>13
3.4, Hidden Pair: Cells R15C4,R16C2: 9,13 in block: r15c4<>12
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/132 nodes): R5C12.13 on ==> R12C2.7 both on & off: r5c12<>13
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/156 nodes): R6C4.9 on ==> R12C7.8 both on & off: r6c4<>9
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/114 nodes): R6C5.13 on ==> R16C11.14 both on & off: r6c5<>13
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/126 nodes): R6C2.13 on ==> R16C11.14 both on & off: r6c2<>13
9.7, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/195 nodes): R5C1.11 on ==> R11C7.10 both on & off: r5c1<>11
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/100 nodes): R6C5.11 on ==> R16C12.14 both on & off: r6c5<>11
9.6, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/140 nodes): R5C2.11 on ==> R15C5.8 both on & off: r5c2<>11
9.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/17 nodes): R3C2.15 on ==> R1C14.12 both on & off: r3c2<>15
9.0, Region Forcing Chains (w/20 nodes): 11 in block ==> R6C14.11 off: r6c14<>11
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/39 nodes): 4 in row ==> R3C7.15 off: r3c7<>15
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/79 nodes): R1C2.12 on ==> R15C10.8 both on & off: r1c2<>12
8.9, Region Forcing Chains (w/15 nodes): 16 in column ==> R14C2.16 off: r14c2<>16
9.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/52 nodes): R15C10.14 on ==> R3C14.16 both on & off: r15c10<>14
2.6, Pointing: Cells R16C11,R16C12: 14 in block and row: r16c5<>14
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/72 nodes): R3C16.15 on ==> R2C16.14 both on & off: r3c16<>15
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/81 nodes): R3C2.16 on ==> R10C16.9 both on & off: r3c2<>16
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/79 nodes): R3C15.15 on ==> R14C16.13 both on & off: r3c15<>15
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/100 nodes): R3C10.15 on ==> R14C16.13 both on & off: r3c10<>15
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/118 nodes): R6C5.5 on ==> R16C5.15 both on & off: r6c5<>5
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/118 nodes): R6C5.16 on ==> R16C5.15 both on & off: r6c5<>16
9.5, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/120 nodes): R3C14.4 on ==> R11C7.10 both on & off: r3c14<>4
8.3, Region Forcing Chains (w/12 nodes): 2 in row ==> R3C7.7 off: r3c7<>7
9.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/49 nodes): R6C6.11 on ==> R14C16.5 both on & off: r6c6<>11
9.3, Cell Forcing Chains (w/52 nodes): R2C1 ==> R3C2.14 off: r3c2<>14
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/75 nodes): R1C5.11 on ==> R2C4.12 both on & off: r1c5<>11
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/82 nodes): R6C12.4 on ==> R12C1.5 both on & off: r6c12<>4
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/88 nodes): R1C3.15 on ==> R1C11.10 both on & off: r1c3<>15
9.1, Cell Forcing Chains (w/31 nodes): R6C3 ==> R6C5.4 off: r6c5<>4
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/39 nodes): R15C12.15 on ==> R2C14.16 both on & off: r15c12<>15
9.4, Region Forcing Chains (w/69 nodes): 11 in block ==> R2C12.8 off: r2c12<>8
2.6, Pointing: Cells R4C10,R4C11: 8 in block and row: r4c7<>8
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/44 nodes): R11C11.14 on ==> R8C15.8 both on & off: r11c11<>14
9.3, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/54 nodes): R3C11.14 on ==> R8C13.4 both on & off: r3c11<>14
9.4, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/65 nodes): R4C11.14 on ==> R15C1.14 both on & off: r4c11<>14
1.5, Hidden Single: R16C11: 14 in column: r16c11=14
9.1, Region Forcing Chains (w/29 nodes): 10 in block ==> R5C12.8 off: r5c12<>8
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/35 nodes): 8 in column ==> R13C10.8 off: r13c10<>8
2.8, Claiming: Cells R13C6,R13C7: 8 in row and block: r15c5<>8
9.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/29 nodes): R2C6.8 on ==> R13C10.15 both on & off: r2c6<>8
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/33 nodes): R15C3.15 on ==> R2C14.8 both on & off: r15c3<>15
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/34 nodes): 16 in row ==> R13C6.16 off: r13c6<>16
9.1, Region Forcing Chains (w/28 nodes): 8 in row ==> R15C3.12 off: r15c3<>12
8.8, Region Forcing Chains (w/10 nodes): 12 in block ==> R15C7.15 off: r15c7<>15
9.0, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/24 nodes): R8C12.8 on ==> R2C16.15 both on & off: r8c12<>8
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C15: 8 in row: r8c15=8
2.8, Claiming: Cells R15C12,R16C12: 8 in column and block: r15c10<>8
9.1, Cell Forcing Chains (w/29 nodes): R1C6 ==> R2C6.14 off: r2c6<>14
9.1, Region Forcing Chains (w/32 nodes): 14 in row ==> R4C7.14 off: r4c7<>14
9.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/28 nodes): R2C12.15 on ==> R1C12.13 both on & off: r2c12<>15
9.1, Region Forcing Chains (w/26 nodes): 8 in column ==> R5C10.13 off: r5c10<>13
9.2, Cell Forcing Chains (w/34 nodes): R1C6 ==> R15C6.14 off: r15c6<>14
9.2, Cell Forcing Chains (w/38 nodes): R1C6 ==> R12C6.8 off: r12c6<>8
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/40 nodes): R1C12.14 on ==> R10C16.9 both on & off: r1c12<>14
2.8, Claiming: Cells R1C5,R1C6: 14 in row and block: r2c7<>14
9.0, Cell Forcing Chains (w/19 nodes): R3C11 ==> R3C10.13 off: r3c10<>13
8.7, Cell Forcing Chains (w/42 nodes): R5C11 ==> R11C11.13 off: r11c11<>13
8.7, Cell Forcing Chains (w/42 nodes): R5C11 ==> R12C11.13 off: r12c11<>13
9.1, Cell Forcing Chains (w/32 nodes): R14C6 ==> R5C6.13 off: r5c6<>13
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/35 nodes): R5C5.13 on ==> R5C4.1 both on & off: r5c5<>13
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R11C12.5 on ==> R6C14.4 both on & off: r11c12<>5
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/39 nodes): R14C7.16 on ==> R14C6.14 both on & off: r14c7<>16
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/43 nodes): R10C1.4 on ==> R1C2.13 both on & off: r10c1<>4
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/44 nodes): R3C2.5 on ==> R13C4.4 both on & off: r3c2<>5
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/43 nodes): 4 in column ==> R14C1.14 off: r14c1<>14
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/34 nodes): 14 in column ==> R13C6.8 on: r13c6<>14, r13c6=8
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/35 nodes): 10 in row ==> R12C7.16 off: r12c7<>16
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/36 nodes): R12C7.13 on ==> R12C6.10 both on & off: r12c7<>13
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/41 nodes): 14 in column ==> R5C13.4 off: r5c13<>4
3.4, Hidden Pair: Cells R4C13,R8C13: 4,14 in column: r4c13<>5
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/44 nodes): R15C5.15 on ==> R6C5.14 both on & off: r15c5<>15
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/40 nodes): 15 in column ==> R13C15.5 off: r13c15<>5
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/40 nodes): 15 in column ==> R13C15.7 off: r13c15<>7
9.1, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/32 nodes): R14C15.13 on ==> R5C11.8 both on & off: r14c15<>13
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/34 nodes): R16C15.13 on ==> R4C11.8 both on & off: r16c15<>13
9.2, Contradiction Forcing Chain (w/35 nodes): R14C16.15 on ==> R1C15.13 both on & off: r14c16<>15
9.2, Region Forcing Chains (w/36 nodes): 8 in block ==> R5C10.16 off: r5c10<>16
9.2, Cell Forcing Chains (w/38 nodes): R14C6 ==> R1C2.13 off: r1c2<>13
8.4, Region Forcing Chains (w/16 nodes): 15 in block ==> R12C15.13 off: r12c15<>13
8.5, Region Forcing Chains (w/18 nodes): 14 in column ==> R11C12.11 off: r11c12<>11
8.5, Region Forcing Chains (w/18 nodes): 14 in column ==> R11C12.16 off: r11c12<>16
8.5, Region Forcing Chains (w/22 nodes): 15 in block ==> R12C16.11 off: r12c16<>11
8.6, Cell Forcing Chains (w/26 nodes): R11C15 ==> R12C15.11 off: r12c15<>11
8.8, Region Forcing Chains (w/11 nodes): 11 in column ==> R5C15.11 off: r5c15<>11
8.5, Cell Forcing Chains (w/18 nodes): R6C13 ==> R13C7.7 off: r13c7<>7
8.3, Cell Forcing Chains (w/12 nodes): R4C7 ==> R15C5.14 off: r15c5<>14
8.4, Cell Forcing Chains (w/14 nodes): R16C5 ==> R15C7.14 off: r15c7<>14
8.4, Region Forcing Chains (w/16 nodes): 2 in block ==> R3C7.2 off: r3c7<>2
2.3, Naked Single: R3C7: 4: r3c7=4
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C13: 4 in block: r4c13=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C13: 14 in column: r8c13=14
2.6, Pointing: Cells R2C6,R2C7: 2 in block and row: r2c16<>2
7.3, Forcing Chain (w/12 nodes): R5C4.13 off: r5c4<>13
7.4, Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R2C4.12 off: r2c4<>12
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C4: 12 in column: r5c4=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C4: 1 in block: r6c4=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C12: 1 in block: r5c12=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C10: 12 in row: r2c10=12
2.3, Naked Single: R5C2: 15: r5c2=15
2.6, Pointing: Cells R1C11,R2C11: 10 in block and column: r5c11<>10
3.4, Hidden Pair: Cells R1C11,R2C11: 9,10 in block: r2c11<>16
3.6, Naked Triplet: Cells R2C4,R2C11,R2C13: 9,10,13 in row: r2c1<>13
3.2, X-Wing: Cells R3C1,R3C11,R5C1,R5C11: 13 in 2 columns and 2 rows: r5c7<>13
7.2, Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R14C7.12 off: r14c7<>12
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C7: 12 in block: r15c7=12
1.5, Hidden Single: R12C13: 12 in column: r12c13=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C13: 1 in block: r11c13=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R12C5: 1 in block: r12c5=1
2.3, Naked Single: R12C15: 15: r12c15=15
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C14: 15 in block: r14c14=15
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C16: 15 in block: r2c16=15
2.6, Pointing: Cells R3C15,R4C15: 14 in block and column: r13c15<>14, r14c15<>14
2.3, Naked Single: R13C15: 16: r13c15=16
1.5, Hidden Single: R4C2: 16 in column: r4c2=16
2.3, Naked Single: R3C3: 15: r3c3=15
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C1: 15 in block: r15c1=15
1.5, Hidden Single: R15C16: 14 in row: r15c16=14
2.3, Naked Single: R4C11: 8: r4c11=8
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C10: 8 in block: r5c10=8
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C10: 10 in block: r6c10=10
2.3, Naked Single: R15C10: 2: r15c10=2
2.3, Naked Single: R15C11: 11: r15c11=11
1.2, Hidden Single: R12C12: 11 in block: r12c12=11
2.6, Pointing: Cells R10C11,R11C11,R12C11: 5 in block and column: r5c11<>5
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C1,R3C1: 14 in column and block: r4c4<>14
2.8, Claiming: Cells R11C7,R12C7: 10 in column and block: r11c5<>10, r12c6<>10
2.8, Claiming: Cells R11C10,R12C10: 13 in column and block: r9c12<>13
2.8, Claiming: Cells R11C10,R12C10: 16 in column and block: r11c11<>16, r12c11<>16
3.4, Hidden Pair: Cells R5C13,R5C15: 7,10 in block: r5c13<>5
3.4, Hidden Pair: Cells R11C10,R12C10: 13,16 in block: r11c10<>14
2.6, Pointing: Cells R9C12,R11C12: 14 in block and column: r2c12<>14
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C1: 14 in row: r2c1=14
2.6, Pointing: Cells R1C2,R1C3: 11 in block and row: r1c6<>11
2.3, Naked Single: R1C6: 14: r1c6=14
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C5: 14 in column: r6c5=14
1.2, Hidden Single: R8C5: 6 in block: r8c5=6
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C2: 6 in block: r6c2=6
1.2, Hidden Single: R7C1: 9 in block: r7c1=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C3: 11 in block: r6c3=11
1.2, Hidden Single: R1C2: 11 in block: r1c2=11
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C4: 10 in block: r2c4=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C1: 13 in block: r3c1=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C4: 5 in block: r4c4=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C2: 7 in block: r3c2=7
1.0, Hidden Single: R1C3: 12 in block: r1c3=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R1C11: 10 in block: r1c11=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C11: 9 in block: r2c11=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R1C12: 13 in block: r1c12=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C10: 15 in block: r4c10=15
1.2, Hidden Single: R1C5: 15 in block: r1c5=15
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C12: 7 in block: r2c12=7
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C7: 7 in block: r4c7=7
1.0, Hidden Single: R4C15: 14 in row: r4c15=14
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C10: 14 in block: r3c10=14
1.0, Hidden Single: R3C11: 16 in block: r3c11=16
1.2, Hidden Single: R1C15: 9 in block: r1c15=9
1.0, Hidden Single: R1C14: 8 in row: r1c14=8
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C13: 13 in block: r2c13=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C14: 16 in block: r2c14=16
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C1: 4 in block: r5c1=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R8C2: 13 in block: r8c2=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C11: 13 in block: r5c11=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R8C9: 2 in block: r8c9=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C9: 12 in column: r9c9=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R7C11: 12 in block: r7c11=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R8C8: 12 in block: r8c8=12
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C8: 2 in column: r9c8=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R8C12: 4 in row: r8c12=4
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C12: 16 in block: r6c12=16
1.0, Hidden Single: R7C12: 5 in block: r7c12=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C13: 9 in block: r6c13=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R12C4: 7 in block: r12c4=7
1.2, Hidden Single: R10C1: 11 in block: r10c1=11
1.2, Hidden Single: R10C6: 12 in block: r10c6=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R10C16: 9 in block: r10c16=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C2: 12 in block: r14c2=12
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C4: 13 in block: r15c4=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R16C2: 9 in block: r16c2=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C4: 9 in block: r11c4=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C5: 7 in block: r15c5=7
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C6: 9 in block: r15c6=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R13C7: 15 in block: r13c7=15
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C7: 14 in block: r14c7=14
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C6: 16 in block: r14c6=16
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C3: 16 in block: r15c3=16
1.2, Hidden Single: R16C3: 8 in block: r16c3=8
1.2, Hidden Single: R15C12: 8 in block: r15c12=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R15C13: 10 in row: r15c13=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C15: 10 in block: r5c15=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C13: 7 in block: r5c13=7
1.0, Hidden Single: R13C13: 5 in column: r13c13=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C1: 5 in block: r14c1=5
1.0, Hidden Single: R12C1: 2 in column: r12c1=2
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C11: 2 in block: r11c11=2
1.2, Hidden Single: R14C3: 2 in block: r14c3=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R11C3: 4 in column: r11c3=4
1.2, Hidden Single: R12C16: 4 in block: r12c16=4
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C14: 4 in block: r6c14=4
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C16: 2 in block: r5c16=2
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C14: 2 in block: r3c14=2
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C15: 12 in block: r3c15=12
1.0, Hidden Single: R3C16: 5 in block: r3c16=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C15: 5 in block: r6c15=5
1.0, Hidden Single: R7C16: 11 in block: r7c16=11
1.0, Hidden Single: R14C16: 13 in column: r14c16=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R10C11: 4 in block: r10c11=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R12C11: 5 in column: r12c11=5
1.0, Hidden Single: R10C5: 5 in row: r10c5=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C6: 5 in block: r5c6=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R5C5: 11 in block: r5c5=11
1.0, Hidden Single: R5C7: 16 in row: r5c7=16
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C6: 11 in block: r2c6=11
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C7: 2 in block: r2c7=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R2C5: 8 in block: r2c5=8
1.2, Hidden Single: R6C6: 2 in block: r6c6=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R6C7: 13 in row: r6c7=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C2: 5 in block: r11c2=5
1.2, Hidden Single: R12C2: 10 in block: r12c2=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R9C2: 8 in block: r9c2=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C4: 14 in block: r9c4=14
1.0, Hidden Single: R13C2: 14 in column: r13c2=14
1.0, Hidden Single: R13C4: 4 in block: r13c4=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R13C10: 7 in row: r13c10=7
1.2, Hidden Single: R9C5: 4 in block: r9c5=4
1.2, Hidden Single: R7C6: 4 in block: r7c6=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R7C5: 10 in block: r7c5=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R12C7: 8 in block: r12c7=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R11C7: 10 in column: r11c7=10
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C5: 16 in block: r11c5=16
1.0, Hidden Single: R12C6: 13 in block: r12c6=13
1.0, Hidden Single: R16C5: 13 in column: r16c5=13
1.0, Hidden Single: R16C6: 10 in block: r16c6=10
1.0, Hidden Single: R12C10: 16 in row: r12c10=16
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C10: 13 in block: r11c10=13
1.0, Hidden Single: R14C10: 4 in column: r14c10=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R16C12: 15 in block: r16c12=15
1.0, Hidden Single: R14C15: 7 in row: r14c15=7
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C12: 14 in block: r11c12=14
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C12: 6 in block: r9c12=6
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C15: 13 in row: r9c15=13
1.2, Hidden Single: R11C15: 6 in block: r11c15=6
1.0, Hidden Single: R11C14: 11 in block: r11c14=11
1.0, Hidden Single: R16C14: 12 in column: r16c14=12
1.0, Hidden Single: R16C15: 11 in block: r16c15=11

[Edit: 4Dec] Updated solution path to show chains length, using private version of SE16. The GitHub version does not show chains length, I'll update it at some later date.
Last edited by 1to9only on Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby 1to9only » Tue Nov 16, 2021 4:07 pm

coloin wrote:Whist its running here is an 8x8 by hand
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This has multiple solutions, SE listed these 2:
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby m_b_metcalf » Tue Nov 16, 2021 5:06 pm

1to9only wrote:
m_b_metcalf wrote:Meanwhile, first update to the SE16 rating of the 1st. puzzle made above. SE16 is still running!

It is rated ED=11.6/1.2/1.2 [a recent build of version 2021.9.21 on Intel i7-9700].

Many thanks. I've updated the post and dowloaded the new version, which is now rating this minimal version of the easy puzzle [Edit: done]:
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  .  .  .  .  1  .  .  .  .  .  .  2  .  .  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  2  5  .  6  .  .  7  8  9 10  .  . 11  . 12  .
  4 13  .  . 12  .  .  2 11  .  . 15  .  8 10 16
  7  .  .  . 11  3  . 16 14  .  2  9  .  .  . 15
  .  . 11  9  . 15  .  .  .  . 16  . 14  7  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6 10  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  8  2  3  .  4  1  .  .  .  .  5  .  .  9  6 13
 13  6  9  .  .  5  .  .  .  .  1  4  .  3  2  8
  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10  6  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  .  7  .  . 16  .  .  .  .  .  .  9 11  .  .
 15  .  .  .  9  2  . 14 16  .  3 11  .  .  .  7
 16 10  8  . 15  .  . 11  2  .  . 12  .  . 13  4
  3  .  . 11  .  . 10  .  8  .  .  .  6  .  5  2
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1  .  .  .  .    Hard, non-symmetric, minimal, ED=10.8/1.2/1.2
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Re: Values of givens symmetrically identical

Postby coloin » Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:36 am

1to9only wrote:
coloin wrote:Whist its running here is an 8x8 by hand
Code: Select all

This has multiple solutions......

Yes but I was demonstrating the construction of these palindromic solution grids - as in an 8x8 you only need define these 24 cells and the rest are implicit ...

just like this 6x6 can be defined by 15 cells and is presumably equivalent to one of the 4 found by 999_Springs
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+---+---+     +---+---+
|123|456|     |123|456|
|465|132|     |465|132|
+---+---+     +---+---+
|312|...|  -> |312|645|
|...|...|     |546|213|
+---+---+     +---+---+
|...|...|     |231|564|
|...|...|     |654|321|
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