AHS-XZ is not easy to code.
true, many attempts to mke the code work The hange up I have lands in this area.
What exactly is used to determine the Restricted common between the to sets
(idea on the drawing board is with ahs sets that share many same digits the rc and x cells can be the same cell which is the inversion of the als rc rule that rc cells can't be in both sets)
Als xz constructs.
N cells with n+1 digits:
2 als, with 2 shared digits.
a shared Common digit in 1 sector,
that isn't in a shared cell Of both als
non restricted common.
a digit common to both als but not the Same digit as Rc
My current code uses the above functionality exactly On the swapped arrays
as I have hidden and naked data coded seperatly.
Elimination code is trickery as it's internal and external
- The Rc is determined by digit by sector In current code
There is always 2 cells shared.
Mostly I've never finished This code as the general consensus is that als-xz finds it anyway. So it's been a long term back burner project with minimal functionality as my hangup is what constitutes the RC for these sets.