The first of these two exemplars represents the rcb/rcb mutant swordfish, or otherwise a grouped continuous loop. In contrast however, in the second exemplar, there is no longer a continuous loop and the row and column eliminations are no longer justified. However, the potential eliminations in box 9 persist. If X is true in row 2 in box 1, then the X at r2c8 is false, and the X at r8c8 is true. If instead the X is true in column 2 in box 1, then the X at r8c2 is false and the X at r8c8 is true. So, wherever X is true in box 1, X is true at r8c8.
Fig 1
- Code: Select all
/ X / | . . . | . / .
X *X X | * * * | * X *
/ X / | . . . | . / .
. * . | . . . | . / .
. * . | . . . | . / .
. * . | . . . | . / .
. * . | . . . | * X *
/ X / | / / / | X / X
. * . | . . . | * X *
- Code: Select all
/ X / | . . . | . / .
X X X | . . . | . *X .
/ X / | . . . | . / .
. . . | . . . | . / .
. . . | . . . | . / .
. . . | . . . | . / .
. . . | . . . | * / *
/ *X / | / / / | / X /
. . . | . . . | * / *
X = base candidate, which may be missing
/ = empty cell, a cell that may not have an "X" candidate
* = potential eliminations
When the intersecting lines in box 9 contain more than one candidate, things get more complicated. Whenever there is an X in the intersection, ie r8c8 in above example, the continuous loop fails, and the eliminations in the cells in box 9 excepting those in row 8 and colun 8 persist. Whenever there is no X candidate in the intersection cell, there has to be X candidates in row 8 and column 8 forming a "hinge". In this situation a continuous loop (mutant swordfish) exists. Thus the deciding factor is the presence of a candidate in the intersecting cell.
Examples with a candidate in intersecting cell
- Code: Select all
Examples without a candidate in intersecting cell
- Code: Select all
Dale and I thought "Twin ERs" might be a suitable name for it. I haven't noticed anyone using this strategy in the puzzle section of the Player's forum.
Even so, I am interested to know if the strategy has previously been described, perhaps under a different name.