Some graphics done by me...
Bi-cutting 3,4,9
#01: 9,12,16,27
#02: 3,9,16,36
#03: 1,3,3,9 (a)
Bi-cutting 1,3,12
#03: 1,3,3,9 (a) (duplicated)
#04: 3,4,9,48
#05: 1,3,12,48

Bi-cutting 1,1,1
#06: 1,3,4,4 (a)
#07: 1,3,4,4 (b)
#08: 1,3,4,4 (c)
Tri-cutting 1,3
#09: 1,1,1,1 (a)
#10: 1,1,1,9

Flipping rectangle of 1,3,3,9 (a)
#11: 1,3,3,9 (b)

Rotating equilateral triangle of 1,1,1,1 (a)
#12: 1,1,1,1 (b)
#13: 1,1,1,1 (c)
Flipping rectangle of 1,1,1,1 (b)
#14: 1,1,1,1 (d)

Tri-cutting 30-30-120 triangle of 1,2
#15: 1,1,3,4 (a)
#16: 1,1,3,4 (b)

triangle within triangles
#17: 1,4,4,16
#18: 9,12,12,16

I deliberately tried to make good approximation to the 30-60-90 triangles...
I regarded 15-26-30 as the best "unit" side ratio...