minimum number of clues 16x16 and higher

For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants

minimum number of clues 16x16 and higher

Postby Moschopulus » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:00 pm

What is the minimum number of clues required for a 16x16 sudoku?

More realistically, what is the current record?

Using a 4x4 sudoku which requires 4 clues:
we can make a grid


This is partitioned into 16 of the above 4x4 sudokus.

Any puzzle from this grid will require at least 64 clues since these 4x4 sudokus require 4 clues.

[edit: rubbish deleted]

Then, what is the current record for 25x25 sudoku, and higher?
Last edited by Moschopulus on Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 256
Joined: 16 July 2005

Postby dukuso » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:39 pm

you proved that 64 is required at least for any 16*16
sudoku whose unique solution is the one you posted.

the minimum number of clues could be 70-80, I guess.

I tried to remove clues from larger 16*16 sudokus, as I've learned
it with 9*9 ones. I hardly can get below 90.
Found one with 86, some with 89, lots with 90.
Last edited by dukuso on Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Moschopulus » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:49 pm

Sorry. I was claiming some rubbish, but not any more. Thanks.

I don't suppose one of those sets of 64 clues works.

Checking this would be like the computation you did with the 1296 cases.
Posts: 256
Joined: 16 July 2005

Postby monstersudoku » Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:53 am

What do you think of this 16x16 sudoku? The paper said it was a 1 star.
I say it is impossible it is 1 star but it has to be a 5 star (hardest).
Here it is. What do you think? 1 or 5 stars?

*5** 6**E *F*C *0**
B**0 24** *1*3 5*E*
*E** *D*1 5*** ****
**9F **C* **2* *418

*02* F3E* *97* **4*
6C4D **** **1* E2**
***5 **** B8** 7DF*
F*** **D* 3*A* ***9

0*** *E*C *B** ***F
*2DC **73 **** 8***
**F3 *8** **** 27BA
*8** *2A* *3FD *19*

DAB* *C** *E** 19**
**** ***2 8*C* **D*
*9*E 8*5* **BA F**6
**C* E*B* 7**9 **2*

After 4 hours of working on it, I could only determine 19 of the missing values:

*5** 6**E *F*C *0**
B**0 24** *1*3 5*E*
CE** *D*1 5*** ****
**9F **C* **2* *418

*02* F3E* D976 **4*
6C4D **** **1* E2*3
93*5 C*2* B8** 7DF*
FBE7 **D* 3CA2 ***9

0**9 *E*C *B** D*3F
*2DC *F73 **** 8***
**F3 *8** **** 27BA
*8** *2A* *3FD *19*

DAB* *C** *E** 19**
**** ***2 8*C* **D*
*9*E 8*5* **BA F3C6
**C* E*B* 7**9 **2*
Posts: 4
Joined: 10 August 2005

Re: minimum number of clues 16x16 and higher

Postby sudoko0815 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:29 am





after 28 ms. The puzzle is very easy since it uses only hidden and naked singles: Her the "raw" output, numbers 0..F are translated to 1..16:

hidden single in block: r3c1 = 13
hidden single in block: r7c1 = 10
hidden single in block: r7c7 = 3
hidden single in block: r5c9 = 14
hidden single in block: r9c4 = 10
hidden single in block: r12c4 = 12
hidden single in block: r10c6 = 16
hidden single in block: r9c12 = 8
hidden single in block: r9c11 = 9
hidden single in block: r9c13 = 14
hidden single in block: r3c12 = 9
hidden single in block: r4c12 = 12
hidden single in block: r4c9 = 15
hidden single in block: r8c2 = 12
hidden single in block: r8c10 = 13
hidden single in block: r10c5 = 12
hidden single in block: r9c9 = 3
hidden single in block: r1c6 = 12
hidden single in block: r7c5 = 13
hidden single in block: r8c12 = 3
hidden single in block: r15c10 = 3
hidden single in block: r13c4 = 3
hidden single in block: r1c1 = 3
hidden single in block: r3c16 = 3
hidden single in row: r8c3 = 15
hidden single in row: r9c3 = 11
hidden single in row: r11c9 = 13
hidden single in row: r13c15 = 9
hidden single in row: r15c8 = 14
hidden single in block: r8c4 = 8
hidden single in block: r11c5 = 14
hidden single in column: r15c15 = 13
Naked single: r15c14 = 4
hidden single in block: r9c15 = 4
hidden single in row: r6c16 = 4
hidden single in row: r6c8 = 12
hidden single in row: r6c7 = 9
hidden single in row: r8c14 = 9
hidden single in block: r2c8 = 9
hidden single in column: r1c3 = 9
hidden single in column: r11c8 = 10
hidden single in block: r1c4 = 2
hidden single in block: r3c4 = 5
hidden single in block: r4c1 = 11
hidden single in block: r3c5 = 11
hidden single in block: r5c4 = 11
hidden single in block: r6c15 = 11
hidden single in block: r5c1 = 9
hidden single in block: r16c4 = 9
hidden single in row: r5c16 = 2
hidden single in column: r14c4 = 7
hidden single in column: r10c10 = 11
hidden single in column: r14c16 = 12
hidden single in block: r13c16 = 8
hidden single in block: r14c14 = 15
hidden single in row: r1c15 = 8
hidden single in column: r4c8 = 8
hidden single in column: r3c10 = 8
Naked single: r1c16 = 14
Naked single: r2c16 = 13
Naked single: r3c15 = 7
Naked single: r4c13 = 4
Naked single: r7c16 = 1
Naked single: r8c13 = 7
Naked single: r8c15 = 6
Naked single: r10c15 = 1
hidden single in block: r3c3 = 4
hidden single in block: r1c7 = 4
hidden single in block: r7c2 = 4
hidden single in block: r12c13 = 13
hidden single in block: r7c3 = 2
hidden single in block: r5c14 = 13
hidden single in block: r5c13 = 12
hidden single in block: r3c14 = 12
hidden single in block: r2c14 = 16
hidden single in block: r3c7 = 16
hidden single in block: r1c13 = 11
hidden single in block: r16c14 = 11
hidden single in block: r2c7 = 10
hidden single in block: r2c9 = 11
hidden single in block: r3c13 = 10
hidden single in block: r14c6 = 11
hidden single in block: r16c16 = 6
hidden single in block: r7c8 = 11
hidden single in block: r14c5 = 10
hidden single in block: r6c6 = 10
hidden single in block: r13c5 = 4
hidden single in block: r15c6 = 8
hidden single in block: r16c11 = 4
hidden single in block: r16c10 = 14
hidden single in block: r2c11 = 14
hidden single in block: r6c5 = 8
hidden single in block: r14c1 = 4
hidden single in block: r14c3 = 6
hidden single in block: r14c2 = 8
hidden single in block: r16c2 = 16
hidden single in block: r13c8 = 16
hidden single in block: r14c12 = 16
hidden single in block: r2c3 = 8
hidden single in block: r4c2 = 14
hidden single in block: r4c10 = 7
hidden single in block: r5c8 = 6
hidden single in block: r7c6 = 7
hidden single in block: r5c12 = 7
hidden single in block: r6c9 = 16
hidden single in block: r12c1 = 8
hidden single in block: r15c3 = 1
hidden single in block: r15c9 = 2
hidden single in block: r2c2 = 7
hidden single in block: r3c11 = 1
hidden single in block: r12c3 = 7
hidden single in block: r16c1 = 2
hidden single in block: r15c1 = 5
hidden single in block: r14c7 = 2
hidden single in block: r9c5 = 2
hidden single in block: r12c5 = 6
hidden single in block: r4c6 = 6
hidden single in block: r8c6 = 2
hidden single in block: r11c2 = 2
hidden single in block: r9c2 = 5
hidden single in block: r10c12 = 2
hidden single in block: r4c5 = 1
hidden single in block: r8c8 = 1
hidden single in block: r8c5 = 5
hidden single in block: r11c7 = 1
hidden single in block: r12c8 = 5
hidden single in block: r9c7 = 7
hidden single in block: r12c9 = 1
hidden single in block: r10c16 = 5
hidden single in block: r10c14 = 7
hidden single in block: r12c16 = 15
hidden single in block: r16c6 = 1
hidden single in block: r13c7 = 5
hidden single in block: r16c8 = 7
hidden single in block: r14c10 = 5
hidden single in block: r14c13 = 1
hidden single in block: r16c13 = 5
hidden single in block: r11c11 = 7
hidden single in block: r9c14 = 6
hidden single in block: r13c12 = 1
hidden single in block: r13c11 = 6
hidden single in block: r13c9 = 7
hidden single in block: r6c10 = 1
hidden single in block: r6c12 = 6
hidden single in block: r11c12 = 5
hidden single in block: r11c10 = 6
hidden single in block: r10c11 = 15
hidden single in block: r7c11 = 5
hidden single in block: r7c12 = 15
hidden single in block: r10c1 = 6
hidden single in block: r11c1 = 15
hidden single in block: r10c9 = 10
hidden single in block: r1c9 = 5
hidden single in block: r1c11 = 10
Posts: 3
Joined: 03 July 2017

Re: minimum number of clues 16x16 and higher

Postby sudoko0815 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:30 am





after 28 ms. The puzzle is very easy since it uses only hidden and naked singles: Her the "raw" output, numbers 0..F are translated to 1..16:

hidden single in block: r3c1 = 13
hidden single in block: r7c1 = 10
hidden single in block: r7c7 = 3
hidden single in block: r5c9 = 14
hidden single in block: r9c4 = 10
hidden single in block: r12c4 = 12
hidden single in block: r10c6 = 16
hidden single in block: r9c12 = 8
hidden single in block: r9c11 = 9
hidden single in block: r9c13 = 14
hidden single in block: r3c12 = 9
hidden single in block: r4c12 = 12
hidden single in block: r4c9 = 15
hidden single in block: r8c2 = 12
hidden single in block: r8c10 = 13
hidden single in block: r10c5 = 12
hidden single in block: r9c9 = 3
hidden single in block: r1c6 = 12
hidden single in block: r7c5 = 13
hidden single in block: r8c12 = 3
hidden single in block: r15c10 = 3
hidden single in block: r13c4 = 3
hidden single in block: r1c1 = 3
hidden single in block: r3c16 = 3
hidden single in row: r8c3 = 15
hidden single in row: r9c3 = 11
hidden single in row: r11c9 = 13
hidden single in row: r13c15 = 9
hidden single in row: r15c8 = 14
hidden single in block: r8c4 = 8
hidden single in block: r11c5 = 14
hidden single in column: r15c15 = 13
Naked single: r15c14 = 4
hidden single in block: r9c15 = 4
hidden single in row: r6c16 = 4
hidden single in row: r6c8 = 12
hidden single in row: r6c7 = 9
hidden single in row: r8c14 = 9
hidden single in block: r2c8 = 9
hidden single in column: r1c3 = 9
hidden single in column: r11c8 = 10
hidden single in block: r1c4 = 2
hidden single in block: r3c4 = 5
hidden single in block: r4c1 = 11
hidden single in block: r3c5 = 11
hidden single in block: r5c4 = 11
hidden single in block: r6c15 = 11
hidden single in block: r5c1 = 9
hidden single in block: r16c4 = 9
hidden single in row: r5c16 = 2
hidden single in column: r14c4 = 7
hidden single in column: r10c10 = 11
hidden single in column: r14c16 = 12
hidden single in block: r13c16 = 8
hidden single in block: r14c14 = 15
hidden single in row: r1c15 = 8
hidden single in column: r4c8 = 8
hidden single in column: r3c10 = 8
Naked single: r1c16 = 14
Naked single: r2c16 = 13
Naked single: r3c15 = 7
Naked single: r4c13 = 4
Naked single: r7c16 = 1
Naked single: r8c13 = 7
Naked single: r8c15 = 6
Naked single: r10c15 = 1
hidden single in block: r3c3 = 4
hidden single in block: r1c7 = 4
hidden single in block: r7c2 = 4
hidden single in block: r12c13 = 13
hidden single in block: r7c3 = 2
hidden single in block: r5c14 = 13
hidden single in block: r5c13 = 12
hidden single in block: r3c14 = 12
hidden single in block: r2c14 = 16
hidden single in block: r3c7 = 16
hidden single in block: r1c13 = 11
hidden single in block: r16c14 = 11
hidden single in block: r2c7 = 10
hidden single in block: r2c9 = 11
hidden single in block: r3c13 = 10
hidden single in block: r14c6 = 11
hidden single in block: r16c16 = 6
hidden single in block: r7c8 = 11
hidden single in block: r14c5 = 10
hidden single in block: r6c6 = 10
hidden single in block: r13c5 = 4
hidden single in block: r15c6 = 8
hidden single in block: r16c11 = 4
hidden single in block: r16c10 = 14
hidden single in block: r2c11 = 14
hidden single in block: r6c5 = 8
hidden single in block: r14c1 = 4
hidden single in block: r14c3 = 6
hidden single in block: r14c2 = 8
hidden single in block: r16c2 = 16
hidden single in block: r13c8 = 16
hidden single in block: r14c12 = 16
hidden single in block: r2c3 = 8
hidden single in block: r4c2 = 14
hidden single in block: r4c10 = 7
hidden single in block: r5c8 = 6
hidden single in block: r7c6 = 7
hidden single in block: r5c12 = 7
hidden single in block: r6c9 = 16
hidden single in block: r12c1 = 8
hidden single in block: r15c3 = 1
hidden single in block: r15c9 = 2
hidden single in block: r2c2 = 7
hidden single in block: r3c11 = 1
hidden single in block: r12c3 = 7
hidden single in block: r16c1 = 2
hidden single in block: r15c1 = 5
hidden single in block: r14c7 = 2
hidden single in block: r9c5 = 2
hidden single in block: r12c5 = 6
hidden single in block: r4c6 = 6
hidden single in block: r8c6 = 2
hidden single in block: r11c2 = 2
hidden single in block: r9c2 = 5
hidden single in block: r10c12 = 2
hidden single in block: r4c5 = 1
hidden single in block: r8c8 = 1
hidden single in block: r8c5 = 5
hidden single in block: r11c7 = 1
hidden single in block: r12c8 = 5
hidden single in block: r9c7 = 7
hidden single in block: r12c9 = 1
hidden single in block: r10c16 = 5
hidden single in block: r10c14 = 7
hidden single in block: r12c16 = 15
hidden single in block: r16c6 = 1
hidden single in block: r13c7 = 5
hidden single in block: r16c8 = 7
hidden single in block: r14c10 = 5
hidden single in block: r14c13 = 1
hidden single in block: r16c13 = 5
hidden single in block: r11c11 = 7
hidden single in block: r9c14 = 6
hidden single in block: r13c12 = 1
hidden single in block: r13c11 = 6
hidden single in block: r13c9 = 7
hidden single in block: r6c10 = 1
hidden single in block: r6c12 = 6
hidden single in block: r11c12 = 5
hidden single in block: r11c10 = 6
hidden single in block: r10c11 = 15
hidden single in block: r7c11 = 5
hidden single in block: r7c12 = 15
hidden single in block: r10c1 = 6
hidden single in block: r11c1 = 15
hidden single in block: r10c9 = 10
hidden single in block: r1c9 = 5
hidden single in block: r1c11 = 10
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Joined: 03 July 2017

Re: minimum number of clues 16x16 and higher

Postby m_b_metcalf » Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:06 am

sudoko0815 wrote:after 28 ms. The puzzle is very easy since it uses only hidden and naked singles: Her the "raw" output, numbers 0..F are translated to 1..16:

The puzzle as published is not minimal. Removing 11 clues yields a minimal, hard, puzzle (with 0 as 16, A as 10, ... F as 15):
Code: Select all
  .  5  .  .  6  .  . 14  . 15  . 12  . 16  .  .
 11  .  . 16  2  4  .  .  .  1  .  3  5  . 14  .
  .  .  .  .  . 13  .  1  5  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  .  .  9 15  .  . 12  .  .  .  2  .  .  4  .  8
  . 16  2  . 15  3 14  .  .  9  7  .  .  .  4  .
  6 12  4 13  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14  2  .  .
  .  .  .  5  .  .  .  . 11  8  .  .  7 13 15  .
  .  .  .  .  .  . 13  .  3  . 10  .  .  .  .  9
 16  .  .  .  . 14  . 12  . 11  .  .  .  .  . 15
  .  2 13 12  .  .  7  3  .  .  .  .  8  .  .  .
  .  . 15  3  .  8  .  .  .  .  .  .  2  7 11 10
  .  8  .  .  .  2 10  .  .  . 15 13  .  1  9  .
 13 10 11  .  .  .  .  .  . 14  .  .  1  9  .  .
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  2  8  . 12  .  .  . 13  .
  .  9  .  .  8  .  .  .  .  .  . 10 15  .  .  6
  .  . 12  .  .  . 11  .  7  .  .  .  .  .  2  .


Mike Metcalf

P.S. The smallest number of clues for a 16x16 was reported by gsf as 77 here. My own best was 84 clues.

P.P.S. This topic belongs in the Variants thread!
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Re: minimum number of clues 16x16 and higher

Postby coloin » Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:28 pm

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