Triankle Sindoku Zero
I thought I would take you back to the early days: can you remember trying to create a new sudoku solution manually?
Please solve - manually or semi-manually (i.e. with an assistant such as JSudoku), and then post it.
There are of course many solutions (not sure how many), but the solution must be:
1. Semi-symmetric (pure anti-symmetric does not count).
2. The centre pair must be present in every nonet.
3. The centre pair must repeat horizontally and vertically.
4. There are no other repeats in a row, column or nonet.
5. The other eight numbers must be absent from one and only one nonet
Together this implies that a symmetry pair will be absent from opposite nonets.
If you use an assistant the number of pairs must be split reasonably equally between self-symmetric and anti-symmetric (within 60:40 to 40:60) and the embedded 12*12 Latin Square must not solve.
If you wish to make it into a full puzzle - feel free.
I have put my Excel sheet on the assassin site.