these tough killers in the Times require you to work the cage sums and possible digit configurations in the cages.
This killer looked like going all the way with this routine, until I stumbled on a nice pattern.
It is comparable to the Aligned Pair Exclusion in regular sudoku.
Check out the following candidate grid:
- Code: Select all
|(26) |(10) |(19) |(8) |
| 35 3456789 3456789 | 2468 | 12456 1245678 456789 456789 | 2356 |
:---------------------. | |----------.----------.---------------------: |
|(19) | | |(20) |(22) |(8) | |
| 35 1 | 3456789 | 2468 | 45679 | 56789 | 2356 2356 | 2356 |
:----------. |----------+----------: | |----------.----------'----------:
|(12) | |(9) |(4) | | |(13) |(17) |
| 246 | 2456789 | 24567 | 3 | 45679 | 56789 | 56789 | 456789 1 |
| | | | | | | | .----------:
| | | | | | | | |(8) |
| 246 | 2345678 | 23457 | 1 | 45679 | 5679 | 45678 | 2345678 | 2356 |
| |----------'----------'----------+----------+----------'----------: | |
| |(12) |(18) |(10) | | |
| 246 | 2345679 1 24567 | 8 | 3467 3467 | 2345679 | 2356 |
:----------+----------.---------------------: |---------------------'----------+----------:
|(16) |(19) |(12) | |(13) |(28) |
| 79 | 23456789 | 578 457 | 23456 | 234567 1234567 1234567 | 4789 |
| | |----------.----------: | .---------------------: |
| | |(10) |(22) | | |(8) | |
| 79 | 2345679 | 2347 | 2456789 | 1235 | 1234567 | 123567 123567 | 4789 |
:----------: | | | |----------'---------------------: |
|(9) | | | | |(7) | |
| 8 | 35679 | 367 | 5679 | 3567 | 124 124 124 | 79 |
| | |----------' |----------'--------------------------------: |
| | | |(26) | |
| 1 | 2345679 | 2345679 2456789 | 23456 345678 3456789 3456789 | 4789 |
Focus your attention to row 2. There is a cage 8[2] that can be {35} or {26}. R2C1 can only contain {35}. If the case were to contain {35}, both candidates in R2C1 would be eliminated. Intolerable! So the cage can only contain {26} this affects the other 8[2] cage in N3 and helps you advance quicker.
cheers, Ruud.