by denis_berthier » Mon May 13, 2013 10:05 am
1) The T&E rough classification
I've already written this several times, but it is useful to remind it as a background for the sequel.
All the known (but very probably all the) 9x9 Sudoku puzzles can be solved with at most two levels of T&E (according to my definition of T&E). T&E is a very easy to program procedure and the following rough classification of a puzzle can be computed in a very fast way.
- T&E(0) is the set of puzzles that can be solved by Singles; it is devoid of any interest;
- T&E(1) is the set of puzzles that can be solved by braids and also most of the time by whips; their (unbiased) classification according to the W or B ratings is known in full detail;
- the remaining T&E(2) puzzles can be considered as the hardest ones - in a broad meaning of "hardest".
2) The grey zone
What I now want to introduce is the following:
- the T&E(1) puzzles (except maybe those with the highest B rating) can easily be generated by most of the generators;
- the T&E(2) puzzles are very hard to generate (using a kind of top-down generator, Blue reported that he got only 2 in about 70,000,000 - Blue, I can't find where this was exactly, I'm quite confident in my memory as for the order of magnitude, but correct me if you have a more precise estimate of frequency. Except when very specific patterns allow drastic simplifications, these puzzles are out of reach of even advanced players; we have no means of estimating how frequently such simplifications happen (and, of course, this depends on which set of specific patterns we consider - but here I'd say any pattern can be considered).
Strangely enough, very hard puzzles - satisfying conditions much more restrictive than being in T&E(2) and therefore still rarer - have been the topic of much research and have led to substantial lists of "hardest". They have also led to the discovery and study of exotic patterns. But no specific effort has been dedicated to the grey zone; as a result, we have little knowledge about it.
What I'll call the grey zone is the fuzzy border between T&E(1) and T&E(2) - let's say, in terms of SER, between 9.0 and 10.5 (but SER has its own limitations and these bounds are fuzzy also). I call a puzzle in the grey zone a grey puzzle. "Grey puzzle" remains a fuzzy concept.
In the two subsequent sections, I list a few questions relevant to this topic (these are not exhaustive).
3) Generation of puzzles in the grey zone
AFAIK, there's never been any specific attempt to collect or generate puzzles in this grey zone, let alone to generate collections with known statistical bias or, less ambitiously, as random as possible.
Probably many such puzzles have been found in the patterns game, but are they anywhere gathered as a fully fledged collection?
eleven, you said that you do no more Sudoku programming, but, just on a theoretical level, could your approach be used to produce grey puzzles? I can't see any a priori reason why not but I may miss some particulars.
4) Analysis of puzzles in the grey zone
An example of which kinds of analysis I mean is the study of the effect of exotic patterns on these puzzles:
- can one find sk-loops/JExocets/... in the grey zone;
- how frequently;
- are these exotic patterns somehow degenerated for puzzles in this zone;
- how much can the application of an sk-loop/JExocet/... modify the rating of a puzzle; can it make it solvable by a "normal" player (e.g. does it make its SER sufficiently small); I have tackled something similar with a few sk-loop examples in PBCS and shown how their B?B classification can change (more or less radically), but these were beyond the grey zone
- ...
I've already felt the lack of much knowledge about this grey zone as a hindrance in several occasions. One of the consequences is, as extreme puzzles are better known than grey ones, results about the frequency of some patterns tend to be strongly biased and probably largely over-estimated.
This topic may lead to nowhere, but it will at least be a marker for a series of open problems in case anyone is looking for something (hard) to gnaw.