eleven wrote:No, the tamagochi method would produce the same bias, because basically it uses the same method of neighbourhood search with filtering "easy" puzzles (it was just useful, that the criteria for expanding/filtering or adding new sets could be dynamically changed during the generation process).
The bias then comes from the fact, that puzzles in big "clouds" of hard puzzles with similar properties (!) will be over-represented, while others with a small number of toughies in their neigbourhood are not found. So its not the best choice to start with the hardest set to generate grey zone puzzles, if you want to know the commonness of Exocet patterns (because we know they are the more common, the harder the puzzles are).
Probably better would be a bottom-up generation with a limited number of neighbourhood extensions, but then the effort to get a set of the same size would be a multiple higher.
I wasn't proposing to start from the hardest collection - for the same reasons as you, I think the bias would be much too strong and no credible conclusion could be drawn as to patterns having high frequency in the hardest.
As far as I can remember, when you generated your hardest list you started from a random set. Couldn't the same process be applied with a different target (SER = x.x instead of SER as high as possible)? I'm not saying the resulting collection wouldn't be biased, but at least it would avoid the bias that one would have if they started with the hardest.
champagne wrote:it is somehow strange to read at the same momenb that some would know more about the grey zone but are not prepared to spend a penny (nor one cycle) to do it.
I could spend cycles on an old computer to run an existing program, but I have no time for writing one (and no longer any competence for writing a fast one, as may be necessary here).
Just as a reminder of how much different goals can change complexity and computation times, generating one puzzle with the controlled-bias generator required (in the mean) more than 250,000 times the effort to generate a puzzle with a top-down generator. It took me months of CPU to generate about 6,000,000 (which can be done in a few seconds if no goal for bias is set).