Hi all. That's one of our puzzles; I'm interested to see the feedback.
@ the "ronin" comment. We did test the beastie to avoid single-grid and samurai solutions, but didn't do tests for 3-grids etc. This one was done in a bit of a rush; in future we may start doing these checks.
I think we'll probably be changing the 180-degree symmetry to something more aesthetically pleasing in future.
Crazy GirlOur "chief of testing" spent much, much longer on it than the Times guideline. Top Notch doesn't publish suggested times, and I'm not quite certain how the Times derived the figure. Tarek is quite correct, the puzzle doesn't need x-wings or greater, but to get to a solution needs heavy use of the techniques for merged sudoku, eg "Rule of left-overs" (as I've heard it called.)
LindyRunt indeed!:)
As I mentioned above, the "runt" can be solved without the use of x-wings or greater. This is by design, because we feel that the essence of solving merged sudoku should be more in the relationships between grids.
The Times won't be publishing one next week, or for the foreseeable future (it does take up a lot of space) but we do have two available at sudoku.top-notch.co.UK
[ broken link ], and more are on the way. And while we're not doing gattai-59s yet, we do have something a little bigger than the Shogun. We're calling this, rather inevitably, the Sumo. We also have some two-grid merged sudokus - I recommend these (the true runts of gattai sudoku!) for picking up the techniques of merged grids.