The Daily Sudoku changed?

Anything goes, but keep it seemly...

The Daily Sudoku changed?

Postby QBasicMac » Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:25 am

I haven't been to
for a few weeks.

Now I cannot see the puzzle unless I allow java-script.

Has something changed. Does anyone else go there? Does everybody allow java script even though that is dangerous?

Posts: 441
Joined: 13 July 2005

Postby jimbob » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:56 am

I go there regularly (OK, every day). I don't have any trouble seeing the puzzles. If I want to print them out I use a second computer (my regular one isn't attached to a printer), and have no problems with this system either.

Do I allow java script? I am woefully ignorant and have no idea!

I believe that the site changed servers a few weeks back - end of March maybe. Perhaps your problems started then.
Posts: 47
Joined: 07 March 2006

Re: The Daily Sudoku changed?

Postby Cec » Sun Jul 16, 2006 3:52 am

Hi Mac,

When I click on the following link you posted I get a puzzle. I don't know what java-script is or whether I'm "going" there without knowing?

Just thought I'd let you know.


Posts: 1039
Joined: 16 June 2005

Thanks, CEC

Postby QBasicMac » Sun Jul 16, 2006 3:12 pm

It seems they fixed the problem, or my computer got rebooted and fixed itself.:)

Posts: 441
Joined: 13 July 2005

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