Back in the summer of '72 (oh, those halcyon days!), the map-colouring issue was called the 4CP (4-colour problem, since no proof had emerged).
I was engrossed in my Combinatorics UG course, so I was for some time living and breathing that 4CP.
One night I woke up in the early hours with the proof! Eureka! I wrote it down, gave it the once-over, and went back to sleep, happily dreaming of fame, impressing the girls, etc.
The morning after? I tell you, it
still looked kosher, even in the clear light of day.
So I hopped on a bus to go to Canberra Uni and show my lecturer this elegant handiwork.
About halfway there the flaw in my reasoning suddenly hit me, and it was like I'd been hit by that bus! It was all an illusion ...
Years later, when the 4CP officially became the 4CT, I was bitterly disappointed. Not about somebody else doing it (I got over that), but that it was so inelegant. I had hoped for, and looked for, some new Graph Theory insight, some subtle undiscovered property of planar graphs that would provide the missing link to a proof.
What a pity I wasted so much time on that! I might have got heavily into Latin Squares, with the same obsessive zeal! But nobody was interested in Latin Square back then ... and the rest is history.