But, I didn't have anything on my calendar, so I figured it would be something different to do.
So after a two and a half hour drive, I arrive just in time for dinner.....
There were 5 people at the dinner, including my relative who cooked the dinner, and fantasizes he's a french chef.....
First course was a salad. Nobody can screw that up.
But the 2nd course was his "piece de resistance": homemade French Onion Soup.
Everybody takes a sip, except my relative who was waiting with baited breath on how every like it. We all looked at each other... before someone asked if he'd followed a recipe. Not too surprising that he said "No".
So we all gently pushed our soup bowls away and ask if he'd tasted the soup before he served it. Nobody was surprised at all when he said "No" again.
It pretty much tasted like a salt flavored beef lick. In my entire life, I'd never tasted anything as salty as that, short of eating salt directly from a salt shaker, or leftover salt at the bottom of a bag of pretzels.

It was fun to play bridge again, although I was pretty rusty at the start.