This issue has been brought forward recently & is quite interesting.
As I am finalising my overlappping puuzle solver, a programmers perspective has also surfaced.
An overlapping puzzle such as the "Samurai" variant can be viewed as 5 overlapping puzzles or as 1 big puzzle.
If you see it as 5 overlapping puzzles then you would then see that twhat happens in the overlapping section in 1 grid has to be carried to that section in the other grid (or grids)
If you look at it as 1 big puzzle, then the overlappingsections are only special cells that can SEE more cells.
This will have an impact on our solving tecniques.
My interest would be mainly in FISH & to see if some fruitful cover sectors can be used from more than one grid.
Examples here would shed a light on this matter
No need to limit things to FISH only.
I will post an example as soon as I come across one.