System clock error message!

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System clock error message!

Postby gazza » Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:22 am

Every time I start the programe this message appears. I have checked the clock and it is correct? Please help!!

Your system clock appears to have been set back, possibly in an attempt to defeat the security system on this program. Please correct your system clock before trying to run this program again. If your clock is correct, please contact the author of this program for instructions on correcting this error (report code 0,4330,2446).
Posts: 1
Joined: 11 September 2005

Postby Pappocom » Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:06 am

Please send me an email (using the email button below) and I will walk you through the steps which are needed to get back on track.

- Wayne
Posts: 599
Joined: 05 March 2005

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