dobrichev wrote:To my understanding your puzzles are minimal, i.e. have no redundant clues.
I took the seventh puzzle and ... hit bugs in my software tools.
- Code: Select all
16.4..9.2..4..2..69.26..34.. #Leren's #7 with (wrong 7, likely 4) automorphisms
168473952374952186952681347816734295437295618295816734681347529743529861529168473 #its solution with (wrong 14, likely 4) automorphisms
1 6 . 4 . . 9 . 2
. . 4 . . 2 . . 6
9 . 2 6 . . 3 4 .
. 1 . 7 . 4 2 . 5
. . . . . . . . .
2 . 5 8 . 6 . 3 .
. 8 1 . . 7 5 . 9
7 . . 5 . . 8 . .
5 . 9 . . 8 . 7 3 #Morph with 4x90deg rotational symmetry (+ other wrong symmetries = 7, but likely 4) automorphisms
168473952374952186952681347816734295437295618295816734681347529743529861529168473 #morph's solution with (wrong 12, likely 4) automorphisms
123456789456789123789123456231567894597834261864291537312678945678945312945312678 #minlex morph of the solution with 4? automorphisms
1..4..7....6.891.3..91.3.56......... #puzzle in minlex solution with 4? automorphisms
Assuming there is single error in the puzzle/solution automorphisms counting, and taking into account that puzzle automorphisms must be <= solution automorphisms, then both the puzzle and its solution should have 4x90 deg rotational symmetry only.
Can somebody confirm?
I confirm that
1. All 10 Leren's puzzles are minimal.
2. All 10 Leren's puzzles have 4 automorphisms each.
3. Solution grids for puzzles 3-10 have 4 automorphisms each, solution grids for puzzles 1-2 have 12 automorphisms each.
4. All 10 Leren's puzzles have neither quarter turn symmetry, nor double diagonal symmetry.