I have gone with the name SuLingo, but if anyone knows the original name let me know. In the clues all the letters are given, exactly.
It is rainbow, so zeros everywhere and one other number missing from each nonet, row and column.
It is X and Windoku - notice there are no hidden windows.
It is Semi-Symetric - numbers are in pairs and the opposite placement must be the number or its partner. Both anti-symetric and self-symetric exist.
Explanation of SuLingo:
Given a language, for each given number choose one of its letters as the clue in the cell.
It is a puzzle setting requirement that all the letters in the numbers of the language are given. This will tend to make puzzles too easy.
The only difficulty is 0 as it has arrived from the arabic through different language routes, in English zero, nought, nil, zilch, cypher, with SS Rain the problem is mitigated as r5c5 = 0.
Hint: motris is from USA, Jean-Christophe is from Belgium and Bram is from the Netherlands.
All three are easy - if there is interest I will make some hard ones.
SuLingo Rain V SS X W 18A - for Dr Sudoku (FKA Motris)
The language is english.

SuLingo Rain V SS X W 18B - for JC
La langue est le français.

SuLingo Rain V SS X W 18C - for para (Bram)
De voertaal is nederlands.