SudokuX (Diagonal Sudoku)

For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants

Re: SudokuX (Diagonal Sudoku)

Postby m_b_metcalf » Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:16 am

creint wrote:My solver solved all except these 62:

One assumes that these are the hardest. I ran your file through SE, and here are the highest ratings for each ER found:

Code: Select all
.................12...3........4.52..6........17..8...............8.............7 32  ED=8.3/1.2/1.2   
.................12.....3.......2....4.......3..5......6.............7...1..8...4 31  ED=9.0/1.5/1.5   
................1..2..........3..4.5.6........7..6....3.....8..........2..8...... 46  ED=9.1/1.2/1.2   
.................12.......3...........4.567..........83.......28............9.... 29  ED=9.2/2.3/2.3   
...............1..2.3.4............5...1.6...........7....3.4......8.....6....... 56  ED=9.3/2.9/2.9   
.................12.3.4............5...6........2....7....3.4......8.....6....... 34  ED=9.4/2.9/2.9     
.............1.....2...3.4............5.6.7......8.....4.....2.......5..7........ 61  ED=9.5/2.9/2.9   
....................1..23......4......3...1......5......6.....45..78.............  6  ED=9.6/3.4/2.9   
....................1.2.3..............4.5.67..........6.....745............8.... 12  ED=9.7/2.3/2.3   
................1.23...4............ 54  ED=9.8/2.9/2.9     
..................12.....34..............3.42..5........6.7.8..........1......... 16  ED=9.9/9.9/2.9   
....................1..23......4......3...1......5...65..................7..8..4.  7  ED=10.0/ 4.3/ 2.9
................1.2....3....4........1..5..4..................67.....3.2....8.... 50  ED=10.1/ 2.9/ 2.9
.................1....2.3..14...........5....67.........2...8.......6......4..... 20  ED=10.3/10.3/ 2.9
....................1.2.3........4.....5.6..7....8....65.....8.....3............. 14  ED=10.4/ 1.5/ 1.5
.................1.2.............34.1.5........6.........5......3........7..8...5 25  ED=10.6/ 1.2/ 1.2

Except for 29, they all have only eight distinct digits.
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Re: SudokuX (Diagonal Sudoku)

Postby Leren » Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:42 pm

FWIW the list of 12 Clue Sudoku X puzzles is now 552,950. You can get a copy of the list by using the following file access link.

Copy the part of the link between the " " symbols and paste it into the URL box of a new tab in your browser and the file should download.


Posts: 5080
Joined: 03 June 2012

Re: SudokuX (Diagonal Sudoku)

Postby Ruud from Sudocue » Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:21 am

Thanks for posting the list.

While my own collection had already grown to 35107, it turns out that it only contains 2 new entries to your list:
Code: Select all

I've also switched to the canonicalization method everyone else is using, no longer separating clue positions and values.

Ruud from Sudocue
Posts: 14
Joined: 10 December 2021

Re: SudokuX (Diagonal Sudoku)

Postby Leren » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:38 am

Further work by myself and ton has raised the number of known 12 Clue Sudoku X puzzles to 558,389. So how many more might there be ? A guestimate by me is somewhere in the range 200 - 400, so a few hundred, not thousands.

If you would like a copy of the list PM me and I'll send it to you.

Posts: 5080
Joined: 03 June 2012


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