While I'm waiting for the 10-clue checker to complete, I've been looking at the 11-clue enumeration problem.
Starting with what we know already, here is a list of the 12 known cases of SudokuP grids with MNC = 11. I've tagged with with their index numbers in my database of ED-grids (CF lex ordered).
- Code: Select all
123456789456789132789231564674395218518624973392178456937562841261847395845913627 # 15449135
123456789456798213897312546318574692569821374274963158941235867682147935735689421 # 22504781
123456789456798231879312456568971342914823675237564198695237814382149567741685923 # 22979593
123456789456798231978312456237941568815623974649587123394875612582169347761234895 # 23068647
123456789456897312978231465264978531589163274317524896895312647731645928642789153 # 23201464
123456789456897312978231564264518937789623145315749826842375691531964278697182453 # 23201702
123456789457198632968273154294367518816549273735812496672935841381724965549681327 # 53380826
123456789457289631986371542678512394514793826239864157841937265362145978795628413 # 53541837
123456789457298136968371452395817264812643975746529813671932548589764321234185697 # 53557072
123456789457398612869127534698512347735964821241783956974831265586249173312675498 # 53624261
123456789457891236968372451571948362689523174234617895895234617312765948746189523 # 53658889
123456789457891236968372451571948362689723145234615897895237614312564978746189523 # 53658890
The grids posted by
Leren above reduce to just 3 ED grids, while the 9 posted by
blue are all ED.
I used this set to road-test my HS-based 11-clue enumeration program (and it works just fine), and also hoping to get some clues regarding which grids are more or less likely to yield 11-clue puzzles.
Every one of these grids appears in my reduced pool of potential 10-clue candidates (611,502 grids), which tends to support the idea that these are the grids most likely to yield 11-clue cases.
One potential clue was that most of the 11-clue known cases have unusually low "small UA" counts. I counted the UA's of different sizes for all grids in the 10-clue pool. I define "small UA" (aka UA12's) as being UA's of size 4 to 12. Here is the list of values for the 12 grids above, along with # of HSets of size 8-11, and the time it took my HS enumerator to check each grid:
- Code: Select all
Grid # # of UA12 HS8 HS9 HS10 HS11 11C tm(s)
53658889 2 216 182298 22999443 845563259 running
53658890 3 pending
53541837 5 - 7196 3576465 419157411 35788
23201464 6 1 2799 1252871 159090243 15393
53557072 6 36 32691 11018148 1008867556 63382
22979593 7 9 11440 2667235 235639011 17830
53624261 10 1 2941 1407989 171056472 13103
23201702 11 - 1305 467056 53249139 5138
53380826 14 - 339 226631 40782013 7426
22504781 16 - 15 14003 4019288 1657
23068647 16 - 2520 841573 97463945 8028
15449135 25 - - 917 459665 284
Some of those run times are pretty scary, although the good news is that only 2100 of the pool grids have 10 or fewer UA12's (some have none at all!). But if they are also more likely to produce 11-clue puzzles, it makes sense to bite the bullet and do them first.
So while I am running 6 jobs to do the 10-clue job, I am using my remaining 2 process threads to check these grids for 11-clue puzzles. Hopefully
coloin can handle much of this load. Average grid processing time looks like 1-2 hours, so this sub-job is unlikely to finish for some weeks!
There are then about 24,000 grids (in the pool) with 11 to 15 UA12's, and 96,000 with 16 to 20 UA12's. By this stage we will be processing the grids a lot more quickly, and with more processor threads, and so make better progress.
An encouraging sign is the existence of an 11-clue puzzle for a grid that doesn't have low UA12's like the others, and you can see it took only a few minutes to process (compare that with the 18-hour monster).
Here are the puzzles I found for the 12 known grids:
- Code: Select all
.2.45..........13........6.....9...........7............7..............5.....3... # 15449135
12..........79.......3...................1...........8.4.....67.............8.... # 22504781
..3...........82.1.79......................7.2............3...........6..4....... # 22979593
........9......2....8..........4...........7................6.2......3..7.1..4... # 23068647
...........6.....2...............53..8..............9.........77.1..........89... # 23201464
1........4.....3............6......7.89.....5....4...................2.......2... # 23201702
.....6...4.7.....2..........................3..5..........3.....8....96..4....... # 53380826
.2........................2.7...........9........6.15...1..............8.....8..3 # 53541837
..3..............6..8..1.....5.............7..........67.9...........3..2........ # 53557072
............2.......8........5.....4.....3.....6.......7...........6....23.....9. # 53557072
............2.......8........5...........3.....6.......7.....4.....6....23.....9. # 53557072
..3..............6..8........5.............7..........67.9...........3..2..1..... # 53557072
.....6...........2..9......6...........9..8..24........7.............1..3........ # 53624261
.....6...........2..9......6...........9..8..24......................17.3........ # 53624261