jf27 wrote:Isn't the "multi-tasking" issue a bit of a red herring? It all depends on the music, doesn't it? You wouldn't (would you?) listen to a late Beethoven quartet while doing a Pappocom Very Hard, but you might well have Classic FM on telling you to relax and playing The Lark Ascending while zinging through an Easy.

Well, I have yet to attain Pappocom Very Hard under any circumstances so I can't comment on that and you'd be surprised just what
can be achieved under multitasking (for example my mother once managed to pick up us two children from school whilst having a migraine. At any other time having a migraine meant lying down in a darkened room and calling a doctor).
I do find Beethoven very soothing though and Classic FM is geared to relaxation, I'll grant you, but I do Nikoli Super-Difficult in front of it - does that count? The Easy one's I can zing through at any time, in front of anything currently playing on the TV.
em wrote:No, cant do two things at once
Never thought of that, will consider another poll, although the subject of multitasking might be off-topic

And then there's
Shazbot wrote: I'm actually doing Angus J's Extreme puzzles while listening to Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20, Maroon 5 and enjoying it. But I DO use the assists provided (highlight candidates, not the hint button unless I'm really desperate). I actually think I'm slower solving puzzles if there's NO music now, which is just the opposite of what I would have expected!
I wonder, and this could be a different category on a separate poll, if there would be a difference in solving method in addition to music presence/type. For example, I solve using paper and pencil and listening to relaxing Classic FM on TV (which is available via radio so I
could try solving on the computer to see if there is a difference), so does solving on a computer make a difference to
- Code: Select all
a) grade of puzzle solved i.e. possible to solve a higher grade using computer
b) music listened to
And since Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20, Maroon 5 are higher tempo than the aforementioned relaxing classics, does that make a difference to time taken to solve?
Hmmmmm. Will consider another poll.