sudokutester wrote:No there is no File/Classify option
You're right--my bad. Ruud apparently changed the menu options after he wrote those instructions, and I was going off the instructions. It's actually Collection/Rate. It will rate all the puzzles in that .sdm file and save the results in another file with the extension .scl.
However the batch handling option of SudoCue is useless for my purpose because you cannot see exactly which file it's skipping (there are no file names appearing).
There's only one file, the .sdm file. The number at the beginning of each line of the rating file (.scl) that is generated is the (implied) line number of the puzzle as it appears in the puzzle file (.sdm). As I said, if a number is skipped, the corresponding puzzle is invalid. To make things a little easier to see, I import the .scl file into an Excel spreadsheet (one column for each semicolon-separated property), and visually check for skipped numbers, inserting a blank line for each of those skipped. Then I create a new column A in the spreadsheet and import the .sdm file into the new column. Then you can easily eliminate the invalid puzzles (which are the ones with no rating information).
I'm sorry you're right of course SudoCue is the correct name.........
Just wanted to make sure we're talking about the same program.