( this is an expanded version of my earlier post to a similar question at
Sudoku v1.8 is an excellent free Palm Sudoku program.
It won't generate puzzles, but it does every thing else I can think of.
http://www.scss.com.au/family/andrew/pdas/palm/myprogs/sudoku/Sudoku v1.8 requires PalmOS 3.0 or later, and 50 kB of RAM,
and will give you as little or as much help as you want.
You can use it as a simple board, just recording and displaying moves
- with illegal moves by you silently accepted, or
- with illegal moves highlighted when you make them
to make "pencilmark" notes of your own (tiny numbers in each square)
- with incorrect notes silently accepted, or
- with illegal notes refused, or
- have the program automatically fill in pencilmarks for legal moves
the suggestions the program makes to help you solve can be:
- none whatsoever - you are on your own, or
- ask it to show you a square that is clearly known ( but not the value)
- ask it to fill in the number for the clearly known square, or
- ask it to solve the puzzle (the solution log will show you how it did it)
As a solver, Sudoku v1.8 knows these strategies:
- basic rules (a number in a square rules it out in the row/column/box)
- Number sets (Naked Pairs, Hidden Pairs (also triples, quads, etc.))
- Box/Line Reduction
- Colouring ( superset of Remote Pairs, X-Wings, Swordfish)
Other special features:
- You can beam a puzzle to another user
- You can "save state" so you can backtrack later