Sudoku doesn't respond to mouse wheel.

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Sudoku doesn't respond to mouse wheel.

Postby jungzimm » Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:12 am

I really love the software and the puzzles. I can't get the wheel on my mouse to change the current "big number." I have no problem getting it to work on my computer at work (just for test purposes of course--I really wouldn't solve puzzles on company time--unless things are slow, or I'm bored, or whatever). Anyway, both machines run windows XP Professional, have decent memory and graphics and nothing else running in the backgrouond except zone alarm and Norton Antivirus. The home machine with the problem has a wireless mouse and keyboard. The wheel seems to work well in windows itself and all other software so I'm befuddled as to why it won't do it's thing in Sudoku. I searched the forum for anyone with similar issues but didn't see anything. I've made sure that mouse is enabled in the options menu. The left and right click buttons are fine and the mouse movement is good. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

John, J-Z
Posts: 7
Joined: 25 March 2006

Postby Son of Pappocom » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:01 am

Is your mouse/keyboard combo a Logitech or Microsoft, or did it come with the computer? (E.g. Dell)

If so, please try downloading the latest drivers from the manufacturer's site, and let me know if that solves anything.

Son of Pappocom
Posts: 217
Joined: 10 October 2005

Postby jungzimm » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:45 pm

It's a microsoft combo. I'll try for updated drivers and let you know. Thanks for the quick response.
Posts: 7
Joined: 25 March 2006

Postby jungzimm » Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:11 am

Thought for sure that Windows Update would automaticly get updated mouse drivers but it didn't.:( Downloaded a new Intellipoint Driver and now the wheel selects the numbers like its supposed to. Thanks for the tip and keep up the great work.:D

Posts: 7
Joined: 25 March 2006

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