Sudoku 10,000 Pro

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Re: Sudoku 10,000 Pro

Postby Pupp » Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:47 am

Yogi wrote:Got that thanx.

Have not found how to get Andoku to filter or highlight individual candidates in unsolved cells.
Is there a tutorial for that, please?

For cells with pencil marks, you need to just select a cell with a hard starting number, and then hit whatever number you want to highlight.

The individual pencil mark won't be highlighted, but rather the background color will change. You have to remember which pencil mark number is selected.

Alternately, you can change settings to INPUT METHOD "Cell first", which makes it even better in every way.

There is no way to get an individual pencil mark in a cell to be highlighted. But changing to Inout Method "Cell First", makes a noticable improvement.

FYI: "digit first" is for speed solving. So if you're planning on going to tournaments, you should get used to the "digit first" setting.
Posts: 246
Joined: 18 October 2019

Re: Sudoku 10,000 Pro

Postby Pupp » Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:03 pm

Hajime wrote:Is it possible to submit one puzzle with copy/paste into Sudoku 10,000 ?

Not by copy/pastrle

What I did made a new folder in Sudoku 10,000, and create an empty sudoku and save to that folder. Then just edit the empty Sudoku puzzle.
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Joined: 18 October 2019

Re: Sudoku 10,000 Pro

Postby Hajime » Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:34 am

Thank you, I will try that
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Re: Sudoku 10,000 Pro

Postby Pupp » Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:41 pm

Yogi wrote:Got that thanx.

Have not found how to get Andoku to filter or highlight individual candidates in unsolved cells.
Is there a tutorial for that, please?

I don't think that's possible in Andoku 3. Another reason I never really like the app. Has really good tutorials though, for an app anyway.
Posts: 246
Joined: 18 October 2019


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