SudoKai v3

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

SudoKai v3

Postby SudoKai » Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:47 am

SudoKai v3.0 is now available for download:

Supported Sudoku Games and puzzles include:
Original Sudoku (6x6, 8x8, 9x9 Boards)
Asterisk Sudoku
Center Dot Sudoku
Sudoku-DG (Offset Sudoku)
Girandola Sudoku
Jigsaw Sudoku (Geometry Sudoku, Geometry Number Place, Kikagaku Nanpure)
Double Irregular Sudoku (Original and Jigsaw Combined)
Sudoku X (Diagonal Sudoku)
Windoku (Four-Box Sudoku, Hyper Sudoku)
DoubleDoku (Gattai-Near-2)
Twodoku (Sensei)
Gattai-3 (Triple Doku)
Butterfly Sudoku (Gattai-Near-4)
Sohei Sudoku (Ring, Diamond)
Cross Sudoku
Flower Sudoku
Samurai Sudoku
Windmill Sudoku (Kazaguruma)
and many more Gattai Variants. (incl. Sumo, Ninja, Shaolin)

Additional Sudoku Variants include:
Clueless (incl. Explosion and SExplosion)
Anti-Touch (Non-Touch)
Non Consecutive
Bent Diagonal
No Two
Even Odd
Mirror Sudoku
Ten-Box Sudoku
Extra Space

Special Sudoku Variants include:
Tridoku (incl. Hoshi and Star)
Hexagon variants (incl. Hanidoku)
3D Perspective variants (Isometric Sudoku, incl. Cubic and Tredoku™)

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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby SudoKai » Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:05 am

Just a quick update.

I relaxed the SudoKai v3.0 registration restrictions.

So now you only have to deal with the annoying news page being in the way.

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SudoKai v3.1

Postby SudoKai » Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:06 am

Just a quick update.

SudoKai v3.1 have been released.

Only a few changes have been made since the last release.

  • One is now able to Load SudoKai v2 Files.
  • Undo/Redo have also been added.
  • And a few other tweaks.

If there are any problems, please let me know.

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SudoKai v4.0

Postby SudoKai » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:18 am

SudoKai v4 (Limited Edition) have been released.

It can now handle many more Sudoku Puzzle Variants and then some. This is mainly why development took so long as I had to solve some nasty Sudoku Programming Challenges I set myself, and yet many more awaits me.

I have included as many Sudoku Variants as I could in order to showcase SudoKai's capabilities. Depending on how well SudoKai v4 is received, more Sudoku games and variants could be included in future releases.

Some of the new Sudoku Games and puzzles include:
    Sudoku Parquet
    Will Sudoku
    Tight Fit Sudoku
    0-9 Sudoku
    10x10, 12x12, 15x15, 16x16 Sudoku Boards

If there are any problems, please let me know.

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SudoKai v4.2

Postby SudoKai » Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:19 am

SudoKai v4.2 (Limited Edition) have been released.

Not much have changed, only a few minor tweaks here and there.

The only major enhancement is the release of the SudoKai Board Layout Manager/Builder.


Additionally, here is an old Topic that may need some revival
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SudoKai (Online Version)

Postby SudoKai » Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:41 am

I have uploaded a basic SudoKai version for online playing.

More features and Sudoku variants will be added at a later stage.

sudokai_online.png (84.13 KiB) Viewed 2481 times
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby Mayday » Tue May 30, 2023 1:52 pm

I am trying to reach the creator of this software Sudokai v4. Is this program being developed further, what is needed?

Does anyone know are there software like this one (with special sudoku styles) but that can generate new puzzles not extract from the premade selection?

Thank you.
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby creint » Tue May 30, 2023 6:42 pm

There are a lot of tools. Can you give examples on what it must contain?
Do you have an layout that you want to try?

Most of the tools are aimed at solving and a bit explaining.
Some can generating specific variants. Generating constraints is much harder than removing digits.
Very few have design features.
No tool has everything.

If you can add constraints and solve those then you can manually generate puzzles.
If you have the puzzle then you can manually design the layout.

    Dynamic symbols in cell
    Free cell arrangement
    Manual adding constraints, alldifferent or others
    Finding solution
    Displaying solve steps

You can try Penpa edit for design.
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby SudoKai » Wed May 31, 2023 7:51 am

Mayday wrote:I am trying to reach the creator of this software Sudokai v4...

No further releases are planned for SudoKai as it is not in high demand. Seems everybody is interested in 9x9 Sudoku only.

I have also not come across another Sudoku application similar to SudoKai which allows the creation of exotic Sudoku variants.

Additionally, SudoKai comes with a puzzle generator - more information in the PDF help files which was uploaded here:
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby Hajime » Wed May 31, 2023 12:04 pm

SudoKai wrote:I have also not come across another Sudoku application similar to SudoKai which allows the creation of exotic Sudoku variants.

Perhaps SiSeSuSo comes close to SudoKai...
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby SudoKai » Wed May 31, 2023 3:34 pm

Hajime wrote:Perhaps SiSeSuSo comes close to SudoKai...

SiSeSuSo is not bad and has lots of potential.

SudoKai however comes pre-loaded with these (and many more) exotic Sudoku variants:
    Sudoku Parquet
    Will Sudoku
    Tight Fit Sudoku
    0-9 Sudoku
    10x10, 12x12, 15x15, 16x16 Sudoku Boards
    Tridoku (incl. Hoshi and Star)
    Hexagon variants (incl. Hanidoku)
    3D Perspective variants (Isometric Sudoku, incl. Cubic and Tredoku™)

SudoKai is now free - so you are welcome to give it a try and also use it as a reference.
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby creint » Wed May 31, 2023 6:48 pm

JSudoku is maybe an option too.
SiSeSuSo has for now only support for digits 1-9 and sudoku grids.
My solver can probably solve all puzzles from SudoKai and more. Generating is also possible. Supports most paste-able formats.
More appearance options are available in SudoKai, but adding constraints is harder.
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby SudoKai » Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:12 am

creint wrote:...My solver can probably solve all puzzles from SudoKai and more. Generating is also possible. Supports most paste-able formats...

Sounds amazing, just let us know where we can download your Sudoku app. Thank You.
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby Mayday » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:10 am


Thank you for replying. I was nott notified there was a reply here.
I tried to connect with you over Twitter but maybe you do not get notifications.

I am aware there is no huge demand for exotic puzzles, but one reason could be - people have no idea they exist. Names are unique, appearance is specific, only true puzzle lovers and members of forum like this one will know these special puzzles exist.

I love LOVE unique custom weird less known puzzles and I also develop an design my own. I was looking for maze sudoku and by coincidence discovered Aenigmatics books that made my mind explode. I could not find anything about the puzzles so I hired someone on Fiverr to investigate which resulted in finding Sudokai, but with no way of reaching the developer.

In regards to what I need (or what other needs) from puzzle generating software, something like Cross + A. That program generates over 400 logic puzzles including a lot of sudoku puzzles, in SVG (and all other file formats) and exports puzzles and solutions. It is the perfect software for puzzles.

I tried exporting 100 puzzles using Sudokai but I can't figure out how to export their matching solutions. And end resolution is very small, it should be at least 3000px on one side and 300DPI. For this SVG export is the best solution.

The program allows me to enter numbers from 1 -1001. If I understand correctly, that means if 1000 people select 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29 we will all have 9 identical puzzles?

How complicated and is it at all possible to upgrade code to generate a unique puzzle with a single solution?

If possible, what would be the cost and timing?

Thank you. I can't seem to find a gallery with sudoku puzzle images that are included in the SiSeSuSo program, does it have more or less options than Cross+A?
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Re: SudoKai v3

Postby SudoKai » Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:04 pm

Mayday wrote:...I tried exporting 100 puzzles using Sudokai but I can't figure out how to export their matching solutions. And end resolution is very small, it should be at least 3000px on one side and 300DPI. For this SVG export is the best solution.

You should be able to get a larger image if you zoom in first before generating puzzles to files - this does slow down puzzle generation.

As for not saving the solution alongside the puzzles, did not think to include it at the time - Bad and lazy programming. So for now you have to open up each SudoKai file to get the solution.

Mayday wrote:...The program allows me to enter numbers from 1 -1001. If I understand correctly, that means if 1000 people select 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29 we will all have 9 identical puzzles?

Yes - 1001 Pre-generated Sudoku games.

Mayday wrote:...How complicated and is it at all possible to upgrade code to generate a unique puzzle with a single solution?

Every puzzle SudoKai generates is unique and does have a single solution.

Mayday wrote:...If possible, what would be the cost and timing?

Maybe somewhere in the future I will get back to enhancing SudoKai, but as mentioned before - no further releases are planned for SudoKai.
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