It's actually quite easy to convert a valid Sudontku solution grid from a valid Sudoku solution grid (and vice versa). We just need to choose 9 cells which don't share any row/column/box and then permute them to other values via a "mapping".
For example,
coloin's grid:
972 834 956
369 815 478
458 679 712
665 781 293
921 346 784
783 492 551
893 123 645
534 962 127
216 547 831
We just need to figure out the "mapping of digits". In this case, the mapping and the original Sudoku grid is:
[123456789] -> [987645321]
(Sudoku grid -> Sudontku grid)
172 834 956
369 215 478
458 679 312
645 781 293
921 356 784
783 492 561
897 123 645
534 968 127
216 547 839
But I don't like this mapping because it's not symmetrical (6 digits map pairwise while 3 digits map in a 3-way cycle). I prefer to map all 9 digits in a 9-way cycle.
Say, we use the "most canonical grid" as the Sudoku grid. We can even choose which 9 cells to change in advance, in this case:
123 456 789
456 789 123
789 123 456
231 564 897
564 897 231
897 231 564
312 645 978
645 978 312
978 312 645
The "changing cells" are the cells which represent the box number, i.e. 1 in box 1, 2 in box 2, etc.
Now, different mappings can produce different effects. For example, with the following mapping:
[123456789] -> [456789123]
423 456 789
456 789 126
789 153 456
231 864 897
567 897 231
897 231 594
312 645 378
645 972 312
918 312 645
We'll have the duplication in each box overlap with the duplication on each column, while the duplication on each row are independent.
On the other hand, with the following mapping:
[123456789] -> [567891234]
523 456 789
456 789 127
789 163 456
231 964 897
568 897 231
897 231 514
312 645 478
645 973 312
928 312 645
You'll find the row/column/box duplication all independent to each other (although quite a few duplications are between adjacent cells).
In summary, a Sudontku grid is just a partial transformation of a certain part of a Sudoku grid. The mechanism isn't that interesting. But hopefully somebody can produce some interesting puzzles from this concept.
PS: Something tells me Bill's usage of the word
restraint in place of the word
constraint is wrong but I can't find any solid evidence. I don't think I can apply for a
restraining order to
restrain him from doing that.
Anyway, according to Maurice it's
contraint and according to Thomas it's
constaint, so I don't know which spelling is correct anymore.