This is really easy, generating and analyzing 1.4million grids in less than 30 minutes!

[Edit: 17min actually.]
- Code: Select all
1400000 grids processed
2-perm: 4-perm: 8-perm: 16-perm:
0: 0 20 37619 1032392
1: 0 93 147400 312434
2: 0 364 285009 49373
3: 0 1029 344518 5355
4: 0 3048 289232 416
5: 0 8144 177977 28
6: 0 19655 80939 2
7: 0 42041 27746 0
8: 0 78005 7573 0
9: 0 124475 1615 0
10: 1 171319 311 0
11: 1 204269 49 0
12: 78 210873 11 0
13: 474 187698 1 0
14: 2220 145691 0 0
15: 8660 98007 0 0
16: 26166 57091 0 0
17: 63678 28591 0 0
18: 124287 12632 0 0
19: 194303 4864 0 0
20: 243157 1557 0 0
21: 244787 428 0 0
22: 200878 86 0 0
23: 137661 16 0 0
24: 80342 4 0 0
25: 41813 0 0 0
26: 19003 0 0 0
27: 8055 0 0 0
28: 2947 0 0 0
29: 1059 0 0 0
30: 302 0 0 0
31: 99 0 0 0
32: 25 0 0 0
33: 2 0 0 0
34: 2 0 0 0
35: 0 0 0 0
36: 0 0 0 0
Average: 20.71 11.73 3.25 0.31
Average amount of 2-digit unavoidable sets: 55.0
Smallest amount of 2-digit unavoidable sets (38) was found in grid #1365508:
Largest amount of 2-digit unavoidable sets (73) was found in grid #1380741:
Smallest amount of 2-permutable sets (10) was found in grid #1082570:
Largest amount of 2-permutable sets (34) was found in grid #664700:
Largest amount of 4-permutable sets (24) was found in grid #893768:
Largest amount of 8-permutable sets (13) was found in grid #1146479:
Largest amount of 16-permutable sets (6) was found in grid #310236:
Notice the nice triangular shape!

The average value is a bit lower than in Ruud's 50k, could this be because of some differences in the generating process? This time only 2.2% of the grids have >25 2-permutable sets. I'll try to compare the grids with >30 2-perms to the 17-grids to see if some of them can be found there.
The collection also has a 11 and a 10, but still no randomly created 9, they seem to be very rare... so does the 35s and the 36s.