I'm from China and 21 years old. I have a sudoku techniques studying team in China. We always study sudoku online.
Our sudoku team wants to offer most of sudoku teaching in Chinese, such as techniques, mathematics, programs, terminology, etc.
We also want to offer Chinese sudoku players this forum, in order to study and learn sudoku faster. However, not all Chinese players can actually understand some more difficult techniques, such as NRC-Chains, Sue de Coq, and so on. Therefore I'm going to prepare some sudoku techniques webpages in Chinese. In this way, Chinese players can learn sudoku techniques faster and more efficiently.
However, we want to translate some modules on sudopedia - we want to translate "sudoku terminology" and "sudoku techniques". Well, we will also add some Chinese sudoku elements, such as "Maoci", "Maobian"("毛刺", "毛边" in Chinese, which mean "single-fin kraken techniques" and "double-fin kraken techniques"), "triangle-shaped MUGs"(i.e. "multi-digit unique triangle", a kind of MUG techniques), and so on. Importantly, contents may quote sudopedia, which requires your all permission.

There is no Chinese techniques forum in China, so our team is learning very much in this friendly and "cute" forum. We really want to help more and more players! Thank you a lot!

Sunnie Shine