Nice example of the relevance of SpAce's comment
yesterday about yzfwsf's "One trick challenge"
- Code: Select all
| 9 8 1234 | 7 135 235 | 6 1245 1245 |
| 5 1236 1236 | 4 13689 2389 | T29 12 7 |
| <267 1267 12467 | <259 1569 259 | T29-45 8 3 | CH(2)
| 4 123 1238 | 6 3589 3589 | 7 1235 12589 |
| <2368 9 12368 | <358 4 7 | <2358 12356 12568 | CH(238)
| <3678 5 3678 | <389 2 1 | <348 346 4689 | CH(38)
| 1 237 2378 | <2358 3578 6 | 23458 9 2458 |
| T368-2 4 9 | 1 <358 <2358 | 2358 7 2568 | CL4
| 23678 2367 5 | 2389 3789 4 | 1 B36+2 B68+2 |
Senior Exocet (2368)r9c89, r8c1, r23c7 (as AHS 29r23c7)
+6r9c89 => +6r8c1. No check of cover houses for digit 6
"Cross-Lines": c147, r8; Cover Houses: r35, b8 for digit 2; r56, b8 for digits 3 & 8
Eliminations from the pattern: -45 r23c7 (non base digit in target cells)
2 is a true base digit (only BD in target r23c7) => +2 r9c89, -2r8c1 (-2 r9c124, b9p1346, -2 r8c1); basics to the end
@yzfwsf: thank you for searching such nice examples. Congratulations for your great reactivity!