ronk wrote:David P Bird wrote:As Bill Richter would say, that’s false. I withdrew my posts AFTER you transferred them to this thread. I had hoped that you would then complete the tidy up, but the fact that you didn't, and apparently still refuse to do so, is very revealing.
And just like
Bill Richter, you are wrong. This forum software logs moderator actions. Note the transfer was logged on Apr 29, 2012 in the 12:12 to 12:21 PM time frame. Then note your "withdrawns"
here through
here have "last edited" times at least an hour later.
As to your desired "tidying up", I don't see why I should discard my posts just because you discarded yours. I spent quite a bit of time on two of those.

So it is agreed that I only withdrew my four posts (some 6 hours) after you transferred them. But this contradicts your earlier post
where you wrote:
David P Bird, had you not deleted the content of your posts, these "irrelevant" posts would have likely remained where they were. However, since the discussion at the start was about sharks, not exocets, and with half of these posts suddenly empty, the transfer was appropriate IMO.
So you were rationalising and twisting history to suit your purposes.
You want to preserve your posts because you spent a long time over two of them, but read them again and ask yourself
1. Is a thread started to discuss the working of Sharks the right place for them?
2. Are they worth preserving for the benefit of the general readership?
For 2 particularly consider your post
<here> which I still regard as highly insulting as it insinuates that my contributions are worthless.
I too spent some time on the posts I discarded, but for me the answers to both these questions was no.
As a contributor you can freely express your personal opinions, but as a moderator you should put them aside and be impartial. In this case I believe you let your personal prejudices get the better of you. I took your actions to be vindictive "don't mess with the moderator" and resulting from a fit of pique.
As a result of my early experiences I concluded that it was counterproductive to try to respond to antagonistic and disrespectful people. I think that you will appreciate that I also modified my own posting style to be more considerate and less confrontational. While I'm grateful to you for your commitment to the forum, I'm afraid that's currently where it ends.