Hi The Samurai puzzles are flawed! A couple of The Times Saturday 30th Julys constituent SuDoku puzzles were not unique (B and the central one). Therefore depending on the order that you took to solving them, there was a 50% chance of not solving the whole puzzle correctly.
I initially solved B with r5c1 = 9 & r5c3 = 5 and r9c1 = 5 & r7c3 = 9, giving a valid solution to that Sudoku. This permutation though does not allow a valid central Sudoku solution. However, interchanging the 5s & 9s does give a correct solution to the whole Samurai. Solving this problem was of course made worse by the fact that the central Sudoku did not have a unique solution either! R9c4 could be a 1 or 7 with r9c5 being a 7 or 1 correspondingly and two other pairs cycled round as well for 1s & 7s (r1c5 with r3c4 and r1c8 withr3c8).
I feel this made solving this particular Samurai a case of pot luck and therefore against the whole spirit of logically solving these types of puzzles. What do you reckon? I wonder how many others fell into the same trap? Does Pappocom need to offer an apology? Comments please.