eleven wrote: If you applied the hidden pair 23 in box 9, the grid should be
- Code: Select all
| 2 179 39 | 3569 8 359 | 16 167 4 |
| 47 5 489 | 469 1 249 | 268 3 278 |
| 134 18 6 | 34 7 234 | 5 9 128 |
| 356 268 2358 | 1 49 7 | 348 45 389 |
| 9 4 1 | 58 3 58 | 7 2 6 |
| 357 78 358 | 2 49 6 | 1348 145 1389 |
| 146 126 7 | 348 5 1348 | 9 146 23 |
| 1456 3 459 | 479 2 149 | 146 8 17 |
| 8 129 249 | 3479 6 1349 | 23 147 5 |
I don't apply the hidden pair because this is not a simplest-first solution, but a fewer steps solution.
The resolution state is
- Code: Select all
! 2 179 39 ! 3569 8 359 ! 16 167 4 !
! 47 5 489 ! 469 1 249 ! 268 3 278 !
! 134 18 6 ! 349 7 234 ! 5 9 128 !
! 356 268 2358 ! 1 49 7 ! 348 45 389 !
! 9 4 1 ! 58 3 58 ! 7 2 6 !
! 357 78 358 ! 2 49 6 ! 1348 145 1389 !
! 146 126 7 ! 348 5 1348 ! 9 146 123 !
! 1456 3 459 ! 479 2 149 ! 146 8 17 !
! 8 129 249 ! 3479 6 1349 ! 1234 147 5 !
and the chosen whip (maybe not the simplest pattern available but the one with the best score) is:
whip[7]: r1n7{c2 c8} - r1n1{c8 c7} - b3n6{r1c7 r2c7} - r8c7{n6 n4} - r9c8{n4 n1} - r9c2{n1 n2} - c7n2{r9 .} ==> r1c2≠9eleven wrote:Now i look at the link r9c8{n4 n1} - r9c2{n1 n2}. Why not 9 ?
9 where? A link is a link. There's no 9 in it.
If you mean why not 9 in r9c2{n1 n2}, it's obvious: because n9r9c2 is a z-candidate (linked to the target n9r1c2.
eleven wrote: i don't mind, and even don't know, what exactly you mean with z- and t-candidates,
rofl. If you don't know what whips are, why are you talking so much about them, as if you knew.
eleven wrote:fact is, i cannot find them in the chain. So how can i know them, when they are needed in a later step, without remembering (all of) them ?
You can't find z- or t- candidates in the whip/braid... descriptions because they are not part of these chain patterns, by definition. Fullstop.
If you don't understand this, you have a problem with abstraction and mathematical definitions. A mathematical definition must be taken as is, like it or not. It has to be judged by the results it allows.
When you want to check that the pattern stated in a resolution path is effectively a whip in the current resolution state, of course you need to check that the z- and t- candidates present in this state are linked to the target, resp. to a previous rlc. But you never need to remember z- or t- candidates for later use. I don't know why you keep repeating this bullshit that I have debunked many times.
Of course, what you need to remember is the chain itself, like any AIC. How do you build a full chain without remembering it?
eleven wrote:I never saw such a thing in Robert's chains, without a mark, which earlier step allows this.
Now you have to explain how something that contains less information can be easier to understand. Tracks miss essential information about left-linking candidates and csp-variables, and they don't show the z- and t- candidates either. In addition to the z- and t- candidates that are directly observable in the resolution state, you have to guess the csp-vars and the llcs.
eleven wrote:I don't say, that there is anything wrong with your chains, but as you know, i find them impracticable for manual solvers, and obviously they are not made for them.
Once more, the manual solver argument, the argument of people with no real argument. You keep repeating this bullshit. Whips
are designed for manual solvers from the very beginning. They can replace myriad abstruse patterns. My readers and users of CSP-Rules use them daily. They need only short ones. Real world players don't solve 9.0 puzzles where long chains may be needed.
What you can say is, you don't like them, you are not trained to use them. I acknowledge you wrote "I find...". At least you understand that you're expressing only a personal opinion - biased against me, as usual.