Questions about PBCS

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

Re: Questions about PBCS

Postby Mauriès Robert » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:03 am

denis_berthier wrote:
Mauriès Robert wrote:
denis_berthier wrote:There are two major obstructions for a general proof:
- you have no z-candidates (the E' substitute is a priori weaker)
- ...

I don't understand what you're explaining to me ??

If you don't understand my answer about z-candidates, how do you want to understand anything about bi-whips?
Your graphics, copied from [BUM] (with Z2 added), can represent a particular biwhip[3].

I've never used the notation E' ( with a ' ) so I don't know what "the E' substitute is a priori weaker" means, hence my question.
As for the bi-whips, I used a graphic representation of your book that is familiar to you, not by adding Z2 to an existing graphic that I would have copied (I don't know what [BUM] is), but by trying to respect the definition. If I didn't make a mistake, then I have understood what a bi-whip is.
Still, a practical example on a puzzle of a bi-whip [n>2] or a bi-braid [n>2] would be welcome!
As well as a little more details on the bi-braids used in the resolution of Easter Monster, if only for one of them, for example for the first b*-braid[1]: r6c3{n9.} => r9c1≠4
Mauriès Robert
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Re: Questions about PBCS

Postby denis_berthier » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:14 am

Mauriès Robert wrote:
denis_berthier wrote:There are two major obstructions for a general proof:
- you have no z-candidates (the E' substitute is a priori weaker)
- ...
If you don't understand my answer about z-candidates, how do you want to understand anything about bi-whips?
Your graphics, copied from [BUM] (with Z2 added), can represent a particular biwhip[3].

I've never used the notation E' ( with a ' ) so I don't know what "the E' substitute is a priori weaker" means, hence my question.

Then read E instead of E'.

Mauriès Robert wrote:I used a graphic representation of your book that is familiar to you
I don't know what [BUM] is

That's very hard to believe, as I've already told you to see the graphics in it several times. But maybe you didn't do it and I'm totally wasting my time in answering you.
Moreover, I introduced this representation with CSP-Variables placed vertically in BUM, not in any other publication.
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