Some 18C have a box distribution of 222222222 or 321222123 - and these all have 6 clues per band.
When some lobsidedness creeps in we get puzzles which have more than 6 clues per band and more than 6 clues in one of the diagonals
This puzzle has 13 clues in the diagonal [544] in [B1B5B9] ie a 13plus5 18C puzzle ..... probably there wont be an 18C with 14 clues in the diagonal. [see later]
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
+---+---+---+ 13plus5 clues = 18C
A while ago I searched specifically for these and ended up with only 74 of them ... and no 14plus4 puzzle ... ive either got 10%,50%, or 90%

How many can others find ?