Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzles

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Re: Detail of the New Rating of Puzzl is Included

Postby denis_berthier » Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:59 pm

tknottet wrote:I illustrate the relation of the puzzles.

Pa(23-clue)>>>>>>>>(one clue elimination)>>>>>>>>Pb
transposition and number permutation transposition and number permutation
Pc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(one clue eliminated)>>>>>>>>Pd(minimal version)
transposition and number permutation
(Pe) Pf

Did you propose to check Pf?
I misunderstood that you proposed to clarify which causes the difference of rating value, "clue elimination" or "transposition and number permutation". I already started the rating of Pc. It will take a few days. After that I will rate Pf.

I don't understand why "transposition and number permutation" appears a second time in the second column.
Anyway, in order to see the effect of these operations on R, it's interesting to compare R(Pa) with R(Pc) and also R(Pb) with R(Pd) and R(Pf)

Your current result is R(Pa) ≠ R(Pd), right ?
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Re: Detail of the New Rating of Puzzl is Included

Postby tknottet » Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:45 am

denis_berthier wrote:
tknottet wrote:I illustrate the relation of the puzzles.

Pa(23-clue)>>>>>>>>(one clue elimination)>>>>>>>>Pb
transposition and number permutation transposition and number permutation
Pc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(one clue eliminated)>>>>>>>>Pd(minimal version)
transposition and number permutation
(Pe) Pf

Did you propose to check Pf?
I misunderstood that you proposed to clarify which causes the difference of rating value, "clue elimination" or "transposition and number permutation". I already started the rating of Pc. It will take a few days. After that I will rate Pf.

I don't understand why "transposition and number permutation" appears a second time in the second column.
Anyway, in order to see the effect of these operations on R, it's interesting to compare R(Pa) with R(Pc) and also R(Pb) with R(Pd) and R(Pf)

Your current result is R(Pa) ≠ R(Pd), right ?

Yes R(Pa) ≠ R(Pd).
I intended to illustrate followings:
Pb > transposition and number permutation > Pd(minimal version)
Pd(minimal version) > transposition and number permutation > Pf
But consecutive space(blank) symbols are displayed as one symbol.
To see my illustration(picture), please use "quote".
(I use Firefox browser, but it may not be the matter.)

I had forgotten important thing.
To shorten calculation time, my rating code works as follows,
In case
Pxy is created by y-assumption after x-assumption.
(from P1, P1(x) is created P1=P1(x) for recursion; from P1, P1(y) is created)
Pyx is created by x-assumption after y-assumption.
My rating assume that R(Pxy)=R(Pyx).
If R(Pxy) is already calculated, R(Pyx) is not calculated. R(Pxy) is used in place of R(yx).
Among isomorphs, the order of appearances varies.
As you wrote, non confluence problems may explain my Imam_bayildi problem.
Are (any of) rules employing chain are known to be non confluent?
My rules r10 to r13 are employ chains.
r10 uses only strong links between same number.
r11 uses strong links and weak links between same number.(of course odd links in order must be strong)
r12 uses only strong links but between same number and between different numbers.
r13 uses all links.
As you know, if the both end of a chain are in a same unit, some candidate(s) eliminated.
In r11 and r13, one or two candidates may be eliminated, even if the both end are not in a same unit.
I was confused.
Of course, if T is not confluent, my rating differs among isomorphs.
This time I want to know is:
thinking 2 puzzles P and P-
where a candidate C1 is eliminated from T to make P-;
if T can eliminate a candidate C2(other than C1) from P,
can T eliminate a candidate C2 from P-?
The relation between P and P- resembles the relation of Pa and Pb,
because "clue elimination" is "adding candidates".
In the other hand, this problem maybe problem of rule order, which denis_berthie rwrote previously.
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Re: Detail of the New Rating of Puzzl is Included

Postby denis_berthier » Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:05 am

tknottet wrote:
denis_berthier wrote:Your current result is R(Pa) ≠ R(Pd), right ?

Yes R(Pa) ≠ R(Pd).
I intended to illustrate followings:
Pb > transposition and number permutation > Pd(minimal version)
Pd(minimal version) > transposition and number permutation > Pf
But consecutive space(blank) symbols are displayed as one symbol.

I could see the consecutive spaces when I edited your post, but not in my browser (if you type consecutive spaces in html, it can "see" only one of them).
In html, you should use " " instead of spaces, but I don't know if the software of this forum accepts this.
If you type no-break spaces (alt-space) instead of mere spaces, I think it will work. (It works on my Mac.)
Jason, if you're reading this, can you give any advice ?

tknottet wrote:Among isomorphs, the order of appearances varies.
As you wrote, non confluence problems may explain my Imam_bayildi problem.
Of course, if T is not confluent, my rating differs among isomorphs.

I wouldn't be so affirmative. Even if there is some confluence problem, we can't be sure it is the cause of what you see in this particular example.

Without knowing your chain rules precisely, I can't say much. Many sets of chain rules have the confluence property: reversible chains (xy-chains, AICs,...) and non-reversible ones (braids, g-braids, ...). Other sets don't: whips, g-whips,... (but, as I said before, effective occurrences of problems are very rare). Also, you spoke of "vectors"; I never heard of such a technique.

One way you can have an idea whether your set of rules has a problem with confluence is checking them individually for a stronger (but easier to check) property (stability for confluence): do you have a rule that can be applied in some case to produce an elimination of some candidate x, and such that no rule in your set could still eliminate x if another candidate y had been eliminated (or asserted) before? Needless to check this with the basic rules (Singles+locked-candidates+Subsets) we mentioned before (we know that set has the confluence property).

The only alternative approach I can imagine is, try to spot precisely where the divergence in your example occurs and to see what happens at that point in each case: which rule is applied or not, why it is applied in one case and not in the other, ... anything like that.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby JasonLion » Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:17 pm

Using the code tag is the best way I know of to show things where the spacing needs to be controlled. The UTF version of non-breaking space    (alt-space) does work, but with a variable width font it doesn't always work out well in practice (depending on what you are trying to do). It adds extra space just fine, but you won't be able to line things up except at the start of the line.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby blue » Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:51 pm

Hello tknottet (and Denis),

I've coded your rating method, and tried it with some simpler versions of "T", on the puzzles that are currently listed on your web page.
The results and puzzles are below.

There are some interesting things to notice.
1) For some of the puzzles, the rating goes up as more techniques are added.
2) Look at the ratings for the "Discrepancy" puzzle ! (8th line)

Best Regards,

Technique sets:

Code: Select all
     s -       Naked and Hidden Singles, and line of sight eliminations
   lcs - adds: Locked Candidates (Pointing, Claiming)
 lslcs - adds: Locked Subsets (Naked and Hidden Pairs, Triples, Quads)
flslcs - adds: Basic Fish (X-Wing, Swordfish, Jellyfish)


Code: Select all
     T  |       s       lcs    lslcs    flslcs | puzzle
23.2402 | 150.7094  123.7298  82.3268  81.7341 | GoldenNugget
22.6372 | 147.6405  123.2902  85.7411  84.6015 | Kolk
22.340* | 145.6346  125.0115  85.0152  82.0809 | Patience
22.1194 | 139.1479  108.1807  77.7374  77.3910 | Imam_bayildi
21.585* | 145.5524  117.0809  79.7549  79.1427 | Second_flush
21.067* | 124.8864  105.3040  80.4641  79.6359 | champagne_dry
20.1075 | 119.9944  100.2021  74.2189  73.4845 | eleven212
19.9646 | 169.4545  140.5230  90.8898  90.7095 | Discrepancy
15.6924 | 128.6754  109.7834  81.5317  80.0423 | Red_Dwarf
15.5665 | 143.1666   82.7591  45.6534  44.1998 | AI_WorldHardest:Everest(2012)
 9.9724 |  51.6346   44.3559  37.7688  37.3271 | AI_WorldHardest2006Escargot
 9.9724 |  30.8243   28.7598  24.7899  24.6144 | AI_WorldHardest2010
 4.6867 |  65.1211   29.0808  14.7689  14.7689 | 17Hints35410
 4.2386 |  76.9150   48.0631  15.5645  15.5644 | 17Hints35409
 3.4250 |  67.5199   36.8486  43.8726  44.5805 | 17Hints2919
 3.2352 |  18.1570   15.1152  15.0943  15.5510 | 17Hints41826
 3.1609 |  25.7975   12.9399  15.1081  15.1152 | 17Hints48126
 2.7083 |  64.6332   52.6721  34.4980  34.4389 | JapaneseSuperComputer322
 2.7000 |  85.6295   42.8059   5.5976   5.5977 | 17Hints35043
 2.5700 |  19.1333    9.0256   9.0112   9.0050 | 17Hints41164
 2.2500 |  69.6821   43.1810   4.4054   4.4054 | 17Hints35045
 2.0222 |  32.7034   17.1254   6.3354   6.3201 | 17Hints24147
 2.0167 |  35.3365   17.8776   6.6121   6.6149 | 17Hints35044
 2.0000 |  32.8204   19.2850   3.7818   3.8396 | 17Hints35042
 1.9286 |  11.2696    7.9510   8.2605   8.2269 | 17Hints28653
 1.8500 |  26.7631   17.5557   9.2713   9.2733 | 17Hints24153
 1.8000 |   7.2228    5.5842   5.5918   5.5534 | 17Hints18573
 1.7727 |   8.9374    5.7402   5.3602   5.1533 | 17Hints42464
 1.7619 |  12.4693    7.0411   7.3569   7.3569 | 17Hints41972
 1.6875 |  15.5855   14.2533   5.0847   5.0863 | 17Hints32733
 1.6667 |  17.3935    7.4061   9.7625   9.7596 | 17Hints33052
 1.6667 |  20.5692    7.9810  10.8056  10.8020 | 17Hints4934
 1.6500 |  13.9067   12.9607   9.3619   9.3542 | JapaneseSuperComputer313
 1.6351 |  35.1865   21.1222   3.1004   3.1001 | 17Hints41750
 1.6000 |   5.4854    5.3650   5.3650   5.2066 | 17Hints12538
 1.5000 |   8.8403    4.4944   4.4944   4.4944 | 17Hints12995
 1.5000 |   7.1596    5.4240   5.3995   5.3995 | 17Hints21752
 1.5000 |   6.9403    6.7366   6.7533   6.2380 | 17Hints26041
 1.5000 |   8.1493    6.5542   5.5294   5.4891 | 17Hints39923
 1.5000 |  17.7356    4.0557   4.0557   4.0557 | 17Hints40086
 1.5000 |  88.9682   28.3550   1.5000   1.5000 | 17Hints44580
 1.5000 |   6.2596    5.1312   4.9402   4.9401 | 17Hints47137
 1.5000 |   6.3676    4.6196   4.9621   4.9492 | 17Hints48498
 1.5000 |   3.9583    3.9658   3.9725   3.9673 | 17Hints8780
 1.5000 |   3.1147    3.0647   3.0647   3.0647 | 17Hints9404


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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby tknottet » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:50 pm

To b]denis_berthier, Jason and blue, Thank you very much for your post.
denis_berthier and Jason
denis_berthier wrote:I could see the consecutive spaces when I edited your post, but not in my browser (if you type consecutive spaces in html, it can "see" only one of them).
In html, you should use " " instead of spaces, but I don't know if the software of this forum accepts this.
If you type no-break spaces (alt-space) instead of mere spaces, I think it will work. (It works on my Mac.)
Jason, if you're reading this, can you give any advice ?

JasonLion wrote:Using the code tag is the best way I know of to show things where the spacing needs to be controlled. The UTF version of non-breaking space (alt-space) does work, but with a variable width font it doesn't always work out well in practice (depending on what you are trying to do). It adds extra space just fine, but you won't be able to line things up except at the start of the line.

Thank you very much for your advise.
For Japanese (and Chinese and Korean), most simple way is
to use CJK space character " " like this "      ".
In any way, I had to check by "Preview" before "Submit".

denis_berthier wrote:I wouldn't be so affirmative. Even if there is some confluence problem, we can't be sure it is the cause of what you see in this particular example.

Without knowing your chain rules precisely, I can't say much. Many sets of chain rules have the confluence property: reversible chains (xy-chains, AICs,...) and non-reversible ones (braids, g-braids, ...). Other sets don't: whips, g-whips,... (but, as I said before, effective occurrences of problems are very rare). Also, you spoke of "vectors"; I never heard of such a technique.

Please wait for few days. I will report after checking rating log.
I try to describe vector-based rules r14 & r15, in English.
It is based on "Off Off Vector" between two candidates.
"Off Off Vector" from Ca to Cb indicates "If Ca is not the big number, then Cb cannot be the big number".
The process of r14 is as follows.
[1]Get "Off Off Vectors"s by following processes
(1-1)If there are the strong link between Ca and Cx, and the strong/weak link between Cx and Cb,
"Off Off Vector" is defined from Ca to Cb.
(1-2)After Ca is eliminated, r7(Locked Candidates), r8(Naked Pair/Triple/Quad) and r9(Hidden Pair/Triple/Quad) is applied separately. If Cb is eliminated by any oh these application, "Off Off Vectors" is defined from Ca to Cb.
[2]Make network(s) by all "Off Off Vectors"s
For each connected component of the network(s),
for each node (candidate: denoted as Cf), test [3}
[3} CS(Cf) is defined as a set of all candidates Cr where exists a chained vectors from Cf to Cr.
If one of following contradiction condition is concluded, Cf is placed as the big number.
(A)all candidates(N) in a unit are included in CS(Cf), where N a certain number.
(B)all candidates in a cell are included in CS(Cf)
(My intention is a focused candidate(Cf) and a reached candidate(Cr).)

r15 uses "On On Vector"s, which are gotten by reversing "Off Off Vector"s .
Same procedure as r15 is proceeded.
If one of following contradiction condition is concluded, Cf is eliminated.
(A)2(or more) candidates(N) in a unit are included in CS(Cf), where N a certain number.
(B)2(or more) candidates in a cell are included in CS(Cf)
Followings are WEB page for explanation. Although explanation is in Japanese language, picture may help your understanding.In both picture, red lines are strong links.Green vectors are "Off Off Vector"s in r14, "On On Vector"s in r15.

denis_berthier wrote:One way you can have an idea whether your set of rules has a problem with confluence is checking them individually for a stronger (but easier to check) property (stability for confluence): do you have a rule that can be applied in some case to produce an elimination of some candidate x, and such that no rule in your set could still eliminate x if another candidate y had been eliminated (or asserted) before? Needless to check this with the basic rules (Singles+locked-candidates+Subsets) we mentioned before (we know that set has the confluence property).

The only alternative approach I can imagine is, try to spot precisely where the divergence in your example occurs and to see what happens at that point in each case: which rule is applied or not, why it is applied in one case and not in the other, ... anything like that.

As I mentioned in above, I'm investigating what happens on two versions of Imam_bayildi.
After that I'll study on the confluence program of my T.
I suppose there are 2 problems of rule property. One is behavior on isomorphs, The other is behavior when candidate y was eliminated (as you mentioned). denis_berthier, would you kindly tell me the words for these? Are they confluence and stability ?

blue wrote:I've coded your rating method, and tried it with some simpler versions of "T", on the puzzles that are currently listed on your web page.
The results and puzzles are below.

There are some interesting things to notice.
1) For some of the puzzles, the rating goes up as more techniques are added.
2) Look at the ratings for the "Discrepancy" puzzle ! (8th line)

Thank you very much for your very fast action.
Would you kindly rate following 3 puzzles?
coloin wrote: (Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:08 am)
I don't think you should forget about the Easter Monster puzzle where the sk-loop was first found or the Fata_Morgana or the puzzles with high Suexratt
Code: Select all
1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...3...9.8...2.....1#Easter Monster

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

These may or may not score highly in your program - i am suspecting the suexrat9-10364 will

I found " the rating goes up as more techniques are added" around 17Hints35042.
But is it logically possible?
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby denis_berthier » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:00 pm

blue wrote:There are some interesting things to notice.
1) For some of the puzzles, the rating goes up as more techniques are added.

tknottet wrote:I found " the rating goes up as more techniques are added" around 17Hints35042.
But is it logically possible?

It may not be a bug in your code. If a candidate eliminated by the additional rules is one with the smallest "local rating" in its cell, the "local mean" for the remaining ones can be increased.

However, it raises questions about the rating.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby eleven » Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:18 pm

Nice to read about the progress here.

Impressing work again, blue!

And yes, finding a number, which does not help, will longer the solution path - bad luck. But surprising, that this can make it worse on average.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby blue » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:47 pm

Thank you eleven.

tknottet wrote:Would you kindly rate following 3 puzzles?

These were good choices on Colin's part :!: :o

Code: Select all
     T  |       s       lcs     lslcs     flslcs | puzzle
   ?.?? | 858.9493  621.9575  678.4785  671.6468 | Suexrat9-10364
   ?.?? | 338.0826  261.9336  174.8692  173.9067 | Fata_Morgana
   ?.?? | 106.9735   97.9841   68.5982   66.7936 | Easter Monster


blue wrote:There are some interesting things to notice.
1) For some of the puzzles, the rating goes up as more techniques are added.

tknottet wrote:I found " the rating goes up as more techniques are added" around 17Hints35042.
But is it logically possible?

denis_berthier wrote:It may not be a bug in your code. If a candidate eliminated by the additional rules is one with the smallest "local rating" in its cell, the "local mean" for the remaining ones can be increased.

However, it raises questions about the rating.

I'm pretty sure that it isn't due to a bug in the code -- which was my first guess.
I triple checked everything, and finally did a check on the math involving R(P1(C)) numbers, by comparing the results against "# of times T is applied" averages over 1,000,000 random resolution paths. The results from the two methods agreed (within "95% confidence" intervals). Also, the error estimates were small compared to the increase in ratings that I was seeing at the time.

I wouldn't quite say that it raises questions about the rating itself.
It is what it is, after all -- based on its definition as an expectation value over complete resolution paths that involve "guessing" and backtracking, and that play out according to perscribed rules ... a "resolution strategy".
However, it may raise questions about the wisdom behind the particular strategy.

What you said about the "local mean" for the remaining candidates be increased, is true of course.
The main effect, though, might be due to bi-value cells being produced, where none would exist with the smaller T, and that leading to a complete shift in the available choices for the "next guess" cell.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby tknottet » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:29 am

denis_berthier, eleven and blue, thank you very much.
I understood why the rating occasionally goes up as more techniques are added

blue, thank you very much for additional rating, too.
I want to know whether law of large numbers overrides this problem or not.
Would you kindly try completely random T&E?
It means that in every stage try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates.
It should be much time consuming rating.
Even for relatively not-hard puzzle, for example 17Hints32733, I want to know the results.
My low speed code on my PC does not permit to try it.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby denis_berthier » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:05 am

blue wrote:What you said about the "local mean" for the remaining candidates be increased, is true of course.
The main effect, though, might be due to bi-value cells being produced, where none would exist with the smaller T, and that leading to a complete shift in the available choices for the "next guess" cell.

Quite right. Any cell may come to participate in the rating.

tknottet wrote:Would you kindly try completely random T&E?
It means that in every stage try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates.
It should be much time consuming rating.

I think it should be much less time-consuming, because the process will be much shallower.

It may be the right place to remind that, even with the simplest T, if all the candidates are tried (instead of only those in cells with the minimum number of candidates), the maximum possible level is 2 (for all the known puzzles). With one condition: the candidates must be tried repeatedly and effectively eliminated at level 1 before going deeper (it means that some candidates may have to be tried several times). Otherwise, what you get is some mean number of partial-T&E phases (where each phase depends on how the candidates are chosen).
Notice that, with partial-T&E, i.e. without repeated tries at the same level, you have a kind of non-confluence phenomenon. I overlooked this when I evoked non-confluence earlier: it may also come from your "partial"-T&E procedure.

Independently of the above, I think it wouldn't be much more work to output a triplet instead of the mean: (min, mean, max) or (min, expectation, Max): meM
corresponding to (good luck, medium luck, bad luck) in the choices of candidates.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby tknottet » Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:37 am

denis_berthier wrote:
tknottet wrote:Would you kindly try completely random T&E?
It means that in every stage try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates.
It should be much time consuming rating.

I think it should be much less time-consuming, because the process will be much shallower.

It may be the right place to remind that, even with the simplest T, if all the candidates are tried (instead of only those in cells with the minimum number of candidates), the maximum possible level is 2 (for all the known puzzles).

I'm sorry I made a mistake again.
"try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates" should be
"select randomly one cell from all cells(in resolution model)/calculate all cells(In rating)".
The former means breadth-first search, but what I intended is depth-first search involving all cells as a possible target.
Of course, which is better for rating breadth-first or depth-first maybe discussed.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby denis_berthier » Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:45 am

tknottet wrote:
denis_berthier wrote:
tknottet wrote:Would you kindly try completely random T&E?
It means that in every stage try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates.
It should be much time consuming rating.

I think it should be much less time-consuming, because the process will be much shallower.

It may be the right place to remind that, even with the simplest T, if all the candidates are tried (instead of only those in cells with the minimum number of candidates), the maximum possible level is 2 (for all the known puzzles).

I'm sorry I made a mistake again.
"try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates" should be
"select randomly one cell from all cells(in resolution model)/calculate all cells(In rating)".
The former means breadth-first search, but what I intended is depth-first search involving all cells as a possible target.
Of course, which is better for rating breadth-first or depth-first maybe discussed.

No worry about this. I hadn't read all the details, but I have always understood your procedure as depth-first.
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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby blue » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:14 am

blue wrote:The main effect, though, might be due to bi-value cells being produced, where none would exist with the smaller T, and that leading to a complete shift in the available choices for the "next guess" cell.

I should retract that statement. It seems to be very rare for intermediate puzzle states with no bi-value cells, to be produced.
I'm thinking now, that instead, when I added subsets into the mix, it caused a lot of naked pairs to appear in the intermediate ("T-quiescent") states. I think it's usually a bad idea to choose a "guess" cell in a naked pair, when other bi-value cells are available.

denis_berthier wrote:Independently of the above, I think it wouldn't be much more work to output a triplet instead of the mean: (min, mean, max) or (min, expectation, Max): meM
corresponding to (good luck, medium luck, bad luck) in the choices of candidates.

Good idea.
I think I could work a standard deviation into the calculation too, and output two pairs: (min,max) and (mean, std. deviation).
I'll work on that.

tknottet wrote:I want to know whether law of large numbers overrides this problem or not.
Would you kindly try completely random T&E?
It means that in every stage try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates.
It should be much time consuming rating.
Even for relatively not-hard puzzle, for example 17Hints32733, I want to know the results.
My low speed code on my PC does not permit to try it.

tknottet wrote:I'm sorry I made a mistake again.
"try(in resolution model)/calculate(in rating) all candidates" should be
"select randomly one cell from all cells(in resolution model)/calculate all cells(In rating)".
The former means breadth-first search, but what I intended is depth-first search involving all cells as a possible target.
Of course, which is better for rating breadth-first or depth-first maybe discussed.

I'll see how it goes, but I'm sure I'll run into to problems trying the highest rated puzzles.
I can try producing actual resolution paths too, and see how that works -- like the "1,000,000" paths I was using in my "bug hunt" (only fewer !).

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Re: Puzzles Usage in a Presentation of a New Rating of Puzzl

Postby tknottet » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:00 pm

blue wrote:I'll see how it goes, but I'm sure I'll run into to problems trying the highest rated puzzles.

Thank you very much. I am interested to the highest rated puzzles more。
I was only anxious about the processing time, when I wrote "even for relatively not-hard puzzle".

Thank you very much for explaining non-confluence phenomenon many times.
I did not understand it well. At last I understood it.
When I compared two solving paths of 23-clue version of Imam_bayild and its isomoph(Pa and Pc, I illustrated previously), I found that the rule r15 eliminates entirely different candidate in each case.
This is natural. Because r15(also r14 and chain rules r10-r13) works on only one pattern which found first.
Then the next problem.
denis_berthier wrote:do you have a rule that can be applied in some case to produce an elimination of some candidate x, and such that no rule in your set could still eliminate x if another candidate y had been eliminated (or asserted) before?

I'm afraid that each of r10-r15 has this bad property.
Because if y breaks link-chain or vector-chain, there is not a guarantee to be able to eliminate x.
In fact, at the above mentioned level, T founds a contradiction for Pc, but doesn't find for Pa.
That causes difference between two ratings.
It seems that I must add some apologize on my hardest sudoku list page.
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