problem with start up

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problem with start up

Postby dfowell » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:50 am

I installed the program and when I click the icon I get an error,

BCMDMCCP(01)+00000175 Error:0D:0028:C14CCEB5
Posts: 1
Joined: 01 November 2005

Postby Son of Pappocom » Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:37 pm


Please send me an email, using the button below this post. If you could include in it the version of Windows you have, which antivirus and spyware software you use, etc., that would also be helpful.

Son of Pappocom
Posts: 217
Joined: 10 October 2005

Install nightmare 10/25

Postby JackWJ » Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:47 am

Hi! This is the same problem as my girlfriend is having as posted in install nightmare 10/25. I don't have a solution yet myself but have some useful information for you. The file that is causing the windows error is after cutting the [01] tail off the dog....the virtual driver for your BCM modem....BCM has a site that will probably give you a link to your OEM....example Gateway where you can get all the latest drivers for not only the modem but everything else in your specific computer....but this will probably not resolve the problem even after you reinstall Sudoku after not only uninstalling but also deleteing all Sudoku files found in search for files, deleting Miramar file in common program files and then you would still need to empty your trash container of these files as well and defrag your computer or else when you go to download Sudoku again, your 56k modem will preform a miracle by downloading the 2.04 Mb Sudoku program in 1 second...because it can still find the old download and is using that instead. Since once Sudoku is installed it does not need the BCM modem at all....only needs it to get the prerequisites for it....I'm willing to bet your computer does not already have in it the required Windows prereqs which you can download manually yourself from Windows using your Microsoft updates option under Start, then going to support, then site map, then downloads, then search for the listed required prereqs....problem is that there are as many as 4 different versions of some of them....and it would be helpful to both you and me to know which one of those had our BCM modems been taken to Windows by Sudoku....which one did that program seek and where does it want each installed...and does their program look to see if the prereqs are there before it trys to access the web through our BCM modems. If you find out let me know. If Scott or Wayne read this reply they can save us both an e-mail to them by replying to us both. Jack
Posts: 2
Joined: 25 October 2005

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