
For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants


Postby HATMAN » Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:48 am

I've been trying for a while to see if Pro-kNight has a solution and I have at last found one.

Pro-kNight: all cells not on the edge are a knights move away from at least one cell with the same contents. Edge cells may have this property or not .

Now all I have to do is design a good puzzle - I think I'll start with a vanilla for a change.
Last edited by HATMAN on Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Saudi Arabia

Postby HATMAN » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:34 pm

Pro-kNight 1

Here we have a partial jigsaw vanilla, reasonably hard. I cannot, quite, face doing a plain vanilla.

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Location: Saudi Arabia

Postby Glyn » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:23 pm

Interesting puzzle Maurice I found 4 cells on the edge that were Knight moves 2 on the left edge and 2 on the bottom edge. I won't post the solution as that would spoil the fun for everyone else.
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Joined: 26 April 2007

Postby udosuk » Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:16 am

Glyn wrote:Interesting puzzle Maurice I found 4 cells on the edge that were Knight moves 2 on the left edge and 2 on the bottom edge.

That's strange, in my solution I found 9 edge cells which are pro-kNight. 2 on the top edge, 4 on the left edge, 1 on the right edge, 2 on the bottem edge.

Glyn wrote:I won't post the solution as that would spoil the fun for everyone else.

I don't see the problem as long as one uses hidden texts. However I'll refrain from posting it unless someone requests it.:)
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Postby Glyn » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:50 am

Matt I did solve it but counting the Pro-Knight edges was my downfall. It was a bit late. I missed the Knight moves parallel to the edges.
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Postby HATMAN » Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:45 am

Pro-kNight 2: (almost Plain) Vanilla

Pro-kNight: all the cells in the pink area are a kNights move away from a cell containing the same number.

To clarify my definitions (as I'm the one who started the insult, I have this right):

Vanilla: it uses givens (not cages etc.) but might have other constraints such as widows or jigsaw.

Plain Vanilla: only givens are used, but X is allowed.

Anyway this is my first almost plain vanilla in a long time. It is relatively hard but interesting. I used a couple of fishes, perhaps you can avoid them.

As I solve these I feel there are some special techniques to be found, unfortunately my instinct is that they will be very "Fishy".


Now in tinypic - the learning process is possible even at my age!
Last edited by HATMAN on Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 315
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Location: Saudi Arabia

Postby udosuk » Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:59 am

Imageshack has gone bananas again. I'm losing faith in them.:(

Perhaps it'd be nice if Maurice could reupload the image to and post again.:idea:
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Joined: 17 July 2005

Postby HATMAN » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:10 am


I'm going to be 60 on the 29th - so I'm not sure about learning new skills

The good point is that I get two parties: one here in Abuja, Nigeria on the Wednesday and another in Denham Village (west of London) on the Saturday.

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Location: Saudi Arabia

Postby udosuk » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:00 am

Thanks heaps for reuploading the pic. Rest assured that if it's too complicated to operate on another image hosting website (tinypic here) I wouldn't have recommended it to you in the first place.:) Don't lose faith in yourself, 60 is still a golden age to learn new skills/technology.:idea:

Happy birthday, and enjoy your parties! I have a (close) relative who's born on the same date as you, albeit a few years younger.:)

Will try your puzzle soon.:)
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Postby udosuk » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:05 am

Code: Select all
Pro-kNight2 by HATMAN


Okay, this is the solution (in hidden text):

Triple click below to see the solution for Pro-kNight2 I wrote:657384291

I didn't use any fishy move at all, just basic moves plus PN moves plus a single xy-wing at the very end. But definitely a nice puzzle. Thanks!:)
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Joined: 17 July 2005

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