Here is the solution of the 6 new ones...
SolutionAnd this is the "chains and links" approach suggested by motris...
First, we need to construct a table of all possible "spouses" for each candidate:
- Code: Select all
1 3,8,15,24
2 7,14,23
3 1,6,13,22
4 5,12,21,32
5 4,11,20,31
6 3,10,19,30
7 2,9,18,29
8 1,17,28
9 7,16,27
10 6,15,26
11 5,14,25
12 4,13,24
13 3,12,23
14 2,11,22
15 1,10,21
16 9,20
17 8,19,32
18 7,31
19 6,17,30
20 5,16,29
21 4,15,28
22 3,14,27
23 2,13,26
24 1,12,25
25 11,24
26 10,23
27 9,22
28 8,21
29 7,20
30 6,19
31 5,18
32 4,17
Those with only 2 possible "spouses" are automatically hooked together and form a "ménage à trois"... The ones hooked on both sides are no longer available to all other candidates... As a result more "forced relationships" will appear and eventually we will have a single loop linking all the candidates...
At the very first stage, we can deduce these chains easily (with possible spouses of each end listed):
- Code: Select all
4|11 [5,31,18,7,29,20,16,9,27,22] 3|14
6|15 [10,26,23,2,14] 11|22
5|12|21 [4,32,17] 8|19
3|10|19 [6,30,19] 6|17
1|17 [8,28,21] 4|15
5|14 [11,25,24] 1|12
1|6|22 [3,13,12] 4|24
3|8|15|24 [1] 3|8|15|24
1|10|21 [15] 1|10|21
Looking at [6,30,19], 19 could be linked with both 6 and 17, but if we link 19 and 6 together, it will form a "closed" triangular loop and the 3 candidates no longer could be linked with the others... Therefore 19 must be linked with 17 which is no longer available for 8... So the 8 in [8,28,21] must be linked with 1... Hence we have this situation:
- Code: Select all
4|11 [5,31,18,7,29,20,16,9,27,22] 3|14
5|12|21 [4,32,17,19,30,6] 3|10
6|15 [10,26,23,2,14] 11|22
3|15|24 [1,8,28,21] 4|15
5|14 [11,25,24] 1|12
1|6|22 [3,13,12] 4|24
1|10|21 [15] 1|10|21
Next, notice that 1 and 21 are opposite ends of a chain. 15 must be linked with 10, otherwise it would be "forced" to have 1 and 21 on both sides and thus forming a "closed" pentagonal loop... Therefore 10 is no longer available for 6 which must now be linked with 3, forming a 9-candidate chain... Hence 22 must be linked with 14 and then 11 must be linked with 5...
- Code: Select all
1|12 [24,25,11,5,31,18,7,29,20,16,9,27,22,14,2,23,26,10,15] 1|21
12|21 [4,32,17,19,30,6,3,13,12] 4|24
15|24 [1,8,28,21] 4|15
Lastly, 12 cannot be linked with 4 as it would form a 9-candidate closed loop... Thus 12 and 24 are linked together and 4 is forced to be linked with 21... Finally 1 and 15 are linked together and we have the big loop formed...
- Code: Select all
Mission accomplished...