sometimes impatience is a good thing
I learned how to create jar files
and with that have posted a modified SE that also lists the pearl rating
I started editing the first post, but won't finish that until this game closes
here are the details from the rules
Pearl ratings are determined by a modified
Sudoku Explainer 1.2.1. This version provides two new command line entry points similar to the
Tester entry point described in Ravel's post. Both new entry points truncate ratings to the hundreths digit. The entry points are:
- ER: This entry point takes one or more 81-character puzzle arguments and lists the explainer-rating for each puzzle on a separate line.
- EP: This entry point takes one or more 81-character puzzle arguments and lists the explainer-rating/pearl-rating for each puzzle on a separate line. The pearl-rating is the explainer-rating of the most difficult method leading to the first cell placement.
the ER and especially the EP entry points need independent testing (meaning you the patterns game participant)
if that goes well then the next game (0014) will use EP ratings
and once again only Sudoku Explainer will be on the hook
note that both ER and EP truncate ratings to the hundreths digit
if EP ratings are acceptable then the weak/strong distinction will be dropped
in favor of a bonus based on the pearl rating
remember, no experiment is a failure