It is with much delight I announce that today I solved my very first Very Hard Pappocom Sudoku (created by the software).
I've been doing Pappocom Sudoku on and off since March 2005 (I won't bore you further with how I remember that!) and I promised myself that I would progress - or not! - with techniques that I figured out by myself.
I started at Fiendish level under the illusion that because I had been doing The Daily Mail's Codenumber (as it was then called) since November 2004 that I must be at Pappocom Fiendish level. It never occurred to me that since I was taking 3 days to complete one puzzle that I might want to drop down a level, I just kept on with it. I certainly was not prepared to learn new techniques because I wanted to solve by myself. As a result it's taken me this long to progress to Very Hard level and I have only solved the one puzzle - tomorrow's may well stop me in my tracks altogether, all part of the fun for me - but, I'm chuffed to bits.
I just felt that I had to share that with you.
*I'm back to solving with paper and pencil, disappointing only in that a wee tune is not played when I finally solve the puzzle.*