Folks, I found this new page from our lovely puzzle creator Ms. Misawa:
The 3 puzzles are nice, but you (English speakers) probably need some translation about the rules... So I'll try to provide some with my (limited) knowledge of Japanese...
Puzzle 1: Spider (Kumo) Nest Number Place
1. Fill in the numbers 1-40
2. The totals of each "spoke" of 5 cells are shown at the outside blocks
3. The numbers in each spoke must increase from inside to outside
4. Consecutive numbers cannot touch each other (spokewise or ringwise)
Puzzle 2: Flower Number Place
1. Fill in 1-9 along the direction of each arrow
2. The central hexagon contains the totals of the outside petals
3. Numbers cannot duplicate in each petal
Puzzle 3: Pair Pair Colour Number Place
1. Each row and column contains the numbers 1-9
2. Each pink region must contain 1 pair of numbers
Each cyan region must contain 2 pairs of numbers
Each yellow region must contain 3 pairs of numbers