Mathimagics wrote:Here is a table of grid distribution by TNC, which shows a typical bell-curve shape.
Note that I only counted valid cycles, but I don't think it would change very much if I counted all cycles.
- Code: Select all
TNC # of Grids 17C grids
36 9
38 8
40 50
42 336 2
44 1466 1
46 6023 6
48 23752 11
50 88542 26
52 319834 71
54 1142366 173
56 4155792 488
58 14799114 1337
60 46763769 2944
62 123398954 5284
64 266506453 7361
66 472599895 8447
68 694199106 7623
70 852722907 5775
72 883222803 3619
74 776878743 1856
76 583782375 834
78 376515988 310
80 209440695 91
82 100939743 31
84 42397707 10
86 15628137 -
88 5119154 1
90 1512056
92 413720
94 109805
96 28940
98 8093
100 2761
102 915
104 292
106 117
108 73
110 11
112 19
114 8
116 1
118 6
Total 5472730538 46301
You did count "all cycles". I have an identical table.
Here is a similar table, showing 2-digit UA counts.
- Code: Select all
nUA # of Grids 17C grids
36 127 1
37 65 1
38 669 5
39 3167 7
40 12183 23
41 45583 69
42 157404 166
43 486393 347
44 1358577 664
45 3448740 1099
46 8048497 1656
47 17383778 2391
48 35150386 3276
49 66789868 4214
50 119409720 4930
51 199726828 5180
52 309854943 5411
53 441471903 5294
54 572846304 4190
55 672553771 3131
56 710797471 2077
57 673596733 1210
58 571034571 572
59 432145488 275
60 291636635 79
61 175306528 27
62 93904712 4
63 44878953 1
64 19244139 1
65 7453728
66 2657782
67 892747
68 291769
69 94358
70 31212
71 9969
72 3273
73 1067
74 298
75 110
76 39
77 18
78 20
79 3
80 1
81 7
84 1
Total 5472730538 46301
Since the number of "valid" cycles is always <= the number of 2-digit UA's, your table would change quite a bit, if only valid cycles were counted.
The table of UA counts shows 32 grids with at least as many UA's (78) as the Pt grid (Platinum Trellis).
They include the 4 grids that have only 21c or larger puzzles, and your grid from
this post.
Ten of them have 19c puzzles, and for the remaining 32-4-10 = 18, it's 20c or larger.
The grid with the largest number of 2-digit UA's (84), is one of the 10 with a 19 clue puzzle.
- Code: Select all
This grid, with 81 2-digit UA's, also has the maximim number of "cycles" (118).
It's one of the 4 grids with no 20c puzzle.
- Code: Select all