I have written a new program to help you play Killer Sudoku. The name is Sum-o-Cue.
The program is freeware, contains no spyware, does not require you to install adware. Just another hobby of mine.
The beta version can be downloaded at www.sudocue.net/sumocue.php
As there is no help yet supplied with the program, I have written detailed instructions on the same webpage.
The program supports candidate markup, number filters, cage configurations, and can sum up any number of cages, cells, rows, columns, or boxes and compare them to 45, 90, or 135. This will help you find the innies and outies.
Now you can still play Killer even if you have an F in Math...
Puzzles can be dubbed into the program, opened from disk in SumoCue or Perfect Sudoku format, but does also allow copy and paste of PS formatted strings as posted here on the forum. The program does not care about line breaks and blanks, so rip any puzzle from this forum and paste it into the program.
It is not a solver. You need to solve the puzzle, the program just helps you with a nice set of tools.
When finished, you can copy the solution into a 81 digit string on the clipboard. The Daily Killer Challenge at you-know-who requires you to post the answer in this format.
Please have a go at it and tell me what you like or dislike.