by Jean-Christophe » Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:56 pm
As promised, here is my walkthrough in tiny text you may copy-paste to a text editor like note pad
I'll use an abbreviated notation for the colors : G = green, B = blue, P = pink, Y = yellow
When the sum is determined, the color is followed by the sum and number of cells eg Y 11/2 means a yellow cage of 2 cells adding up to 11
When the sum is not yet determined, the color is followed by number of cells eg Y/2 means a yellow cage of 2 cells.
When the color is not yet determined, a slash preceede the number of cells eg /2 means a cage of 2 cells.
Two possible colors are separated by a vertical bar eg P|B/3 means a cage of 3 cells either pink or blue.
Step 1
There are 4 cages of 4 cells to place in N1 and N9. Two of them are P and can't touch P 12/3 in C2.
-> P 18/4 & P 20/4 go in N9
/4 in C34 <> G = B 20/4
/4 in C1 = G 15/4
Step 2
The two /2 in R5 must be Y
There are only three Y/2, two of them are Y 16/2 = {79} and can't go both in R5
-> one of the /2 in R5 = Y 16/2 = {79}, the other = Y 11/2 = {38|56}
/2 in R4C78 = B. The only B/2 = B 5/2 = {14|23}
Step 3
The B 28/5 can't go in N7 nor in N5
-> B 28/5 go in N3
/5 in N5 & N7 = Y/5
/2 in R3C67 = G/2
/2 in R2C67 = Y/2 = the other Y 16/2 = {79}
/3 in N2 = P 13/3
/2 in R1C56 = G/2
/3 in R1C234 = Y/3
Step 4
/2 in R6C23 = P/2
/2 in R7C34 = G/2
/2 in R8C34 = P/2
/3 in N7 = B 14/3
/2 in R9C45 = G/2
/3 in R9C678 = Y/3
We now have found the colors of all cages, but only a few sums.
Step 5
In N5, /5 is either Y 20/5 or Y 29/5
See what the outies gives if it were Y 29/5
45 on N5 -> R5C37 = 20+29+12 - 45 = 16 = {79}
This can't work with the Y 16/2 either in R5C12 or R5C89
-> Y 20/5 go in N5, Y 29/5 go in N7
45 on N5 -> R5C37 = 7/2
45 on R5 -> R5C456 = 11/3
Step 6
In R5, Since either R5C12 or R5C89 = Y 16/2 = {79} -> G 20/3 in R45C4+R5C3 <> {479}
-> R5C567 = {124} = 7 (hidden triplet in R5)
45 on R5 -> R4C4 = 9, R5C34 = 11 = {38|56}
Step 7
In N3, we already found that R2C67 = Y 16/2 and B 28/5 go in N3
45 on N3 -> R2C6+R4C9 - R3C7 = 28+16+17 - 45 = 16
Max R2C6+R4C9 = 9+8 = 17 -> Max R3C7 = 17-16 = 1 = Min R3C7
-> R3C7 = 1, R2C67 = [97], R4C9 = 8
Max sum of G/2 in R3C67 = 1+8 = 9
There is only one G/2 <= 9
-> R3C67 = G 5/2, R3C6 = 4
R3C89 = {36}
Step 8
G/2 in R1C56 = 12|13 = {57|58|67} = {(5|6)...} = {(5|7)...}
-> P 13/3 in N2 <> {256|157} = {238}
-> R2C5 = 3, R3C45 = {28}
R1C56 = {57|67} = {7(5|6)}
R12C4 = {1(5|6)}
Step 9
G 12/3 in N5 = {147|246} = {4...}
-> R5C7 = 4, R5C56 = {12}, R6C6 = {67}
Since R5C37 = 7/2 -> R5C34 = [38], R3C45 = [28]
Y 11/2 in R5 = {56}
B 5/2 in R4C78 = {23}
R6C4 = 3
Step 10
P/2 in R6C23 = 7|11
Since R5C3 = 3 -> R6C23 <> {38}
-> R6C1 = 8, R6C23 = {2...} = {25|29}
R6C5 = 4
Step 11
45 on N7 -> R78C3 = 6 = {15|24}
G/2 in R7C34 = 12|13 = [48|57|49|58]
Since R45C4 = [98] -> R8C34 = [57] = G 12/2
Since R78C3 = 6 -> R8C3 = 1
P/2 in R8C34 = 7|11 -> R8C34 = 7/2, R8C4 = 6
Step 12
P/2 in R6C23 = 11/2 = {29}
Y/2 in R5C12 = 11/2 = {56}
Y/2 in R5C89 = 16/2 = {79}
R6C789 = {156}, R56C6 = [17], R5C5 = 2
R4C123 = {147}
Step 13
R12C4 = {15}, R1C56 = [76], R4C56 = [65]
G/2 in R9C45 = G 13/2 = [49]
R78C5 = [15], R7C6 = 8
R7C12 = {46}
Step 14
R2C3 = 6 (hidden single in C3)
B 20/4 in C34 = {1469} -> R34C3 = [94], R12C4 = [51]
R6C23 = [92], R19C3 = [87]
P 12/3 in R234C2 = [471]
G 15/4 in R1324C1 = [1257]
R89C1 = [93], R89C6 = [32]
Several nacked and hidden singles
Step 15
Y/3 in R1 = [385] = Y 16/3
-> Y/3 in R9 = Y 13/3 -> R9C78 = {56}
Fix all nacked and hidden singles until R17C79 = {29}
One of the P/4 in N9 = 18/4, the other = 20/4
If you read until here, I guess you can findout this yourself !
Unique solution