KAKURO REFERENCES(this is currently only a starting point for this list - it doesn't even contain all the references I already know)
books (resolution rules, rating)- Denis Berthier: "Pattern-Based Constraint Satisfaction and Logic Puzzles", Lulu.com, Nov. 2012, ISBN 978-1-291-20339-4.
(in the general framework defined in the book, chapter 15, pp. 399-426, is dedicated to Kakuro)
- Denis Berthier: "Pattern-Based Constraint Satisfaction and Logic Puzzles - second edition", Lulu.com, July 2015, ISBN 978-1-326-35064-2.
(in the general framework defined in the book, chapter 15, pp. 401-444, is dedicated to Kakuro)
The second edition has new examples of Kakuro puzzle solutions. It has detailed examples of g-whips (lacking in the first edition, although the theory of g-whips were already fully developed). Kakuro is the best example to show the power of the g-whip pattern.
books (puzzle generation)books (puzzles) (this may be too hard to keep up to date)
books (other, including non-player-oriented resolution)published articles (resolution rules, rating)published articles (puzzle generation)published articles (other, including non-player-oriented resolution)websites (discussions, forums)websites (resolution rules, rating)-
http://www.wikihow.com/Solve-Kakurowebsites (online resolution)-
http://www.atksolutions.com/flashgames.html (many different games, including Kakuro puzzles of varied sizes and difficulty)
https://www.kakurogame.comwebsites (puzzles - whether they are generated online or extracted from a database or available in pdf format ...).
See detailed evaluations by Smythe Dakota in the next posts.
http://www.atksolutions.com/flashgames.html (many different games, including Kakuro puzzles of varied sizes and difficulty, some among the hardest to be found on the web)
http://www.sudoku.org.uk/kakuroflash/kakuro.html (the Kakuro part of Mepham's website)
http://krazydad.com/kakuro/ (many Kakuro puzzles of varied sizes and difficulty, grouped in "books" of 8 puzzles in pdf format)
http://www.nikoli.com/en/puzzles/kakuro/ (the original website for Kakuro)
http://www.menneske.no/kakuro/eng/ (many Kakuro puzzles of varied sizes - upto 30 - but of low difficulty)
software (resolution rules, rating)- KakuRules, a part of the general CSP-Rules solver, described in the book "Pattern-Based Constraint Satisfaction and Logic Puzzles" and publicly available on GitHub:
https://github.com/denis-berthier/CSP-Rules-V2.1software (puzzle generation)software (other, including non-player-oriented resolution)