Sorry my mistake, I saw the border on the false place.
But I've found a way to solve the jigsaw killer now, no guessing necessary. I'will put the puzzle on my page tomorrow.
If I'm right there are only 3 techniques which would be necessary to be implemented into SumoCue so that this program can solve this problem too (besides the naked triples in a nonet).
The first one is something around the 79 pair in R8C7 and R9C7 that allows to delete the digits 7 and 9 in R8C4, R8C5, and R8 C6. The rule is: If you have a strong link between two cells than the digit of this link can't be in any other cell which both can see. This rule is useless but valid in classical sudoku. It is very powerful in many sudoku variants (i. e., jigsaw sudoku, diagonal sudoku, disjoint group sudoku, sudokus with extragroups, isosudoku ...) Note: 2 cells in a cage can always see each other with respect to the strong link approach, they are buddies even if they don't share a column, row or nonet, but most frequently they form no strong link (But see the digit 1 in 8(3) cages). The property to be buddies is the property that leads to extra fishs which you can't catch in classical sudoku: turbot killer fishs, killer x-wings, killer swordfishs, killer variants of chains and cycles ... In our case we have a fish with only one strong link, we could call it a sickleback, but it is here no killer sickleback but a jigsaw sickleback.
The second one is something what could be called Cages-House-Difference:
For every house (nonet, row, column) look for the smallest set of cages that contains the house. If the cardinality of the difference of both sets is less than four calculate the difference of the values and use this as sum of the difference set. You would get for example R1C3+R4C2+R4C4 = 8 or R2C6 + R3C9 + R4C6 = 22 or R2C6 + R3C5 = 10.
This technique could also be used for pairs, triples ... of (neighbored) disjoint houses.
The third could be called House-Cages-Difference;
For every house (row, column, nonet), pair, triple ... of (neighbored) disjoint houses, look for all cages which are fully in that set. If the cardinality of the difference of both sets is less than four calculate the difference of the values and use this as sum of the difference set.
You would get for exemple R4C2+R7C5+R9C7 = 12 or R1C1+R2C1+R7C1 = 17.
In my
normal killer you would get for the Cages-House-Difference-Technique:
R4C7+R4C8+R4C9 = 15 (2 boxes or 3 lines)
R6C4+R7C4+R8C4=18 (2 boxes)
R6C3+R7C3+R8C3=14 (2 boxes)
R6C1+R6C2=13 (3 boxes and 1 line or 4 lines)
And I guess that it would be possible to solve this puzzle with these both techniques added.
And in your both jigsaw killers above in this discussion there are also many possibilities to use these techniques.
The House-Cages-Difference and the Cages-House-Difference can also used without the restriction of the cut set to the cardinality of <4. This would result in a logical technique, but it would be less human-like. But with this generalisation it would solve all innie-outie-things I saw on killer technique pages and most of cage split I saw. But of course there are more complicated possibilities to use the 45-property.
To share also the overlapping techniques I saw we could generalize these techniques a little bit, skipping the disjoint set assumption of the houses which are used and adding the intersection of the houses to the cells which result to the sum. For the picture at this generalization we would get R5C5 = 90-11-20-21-9-24 = 5
The new techniques could be generalized to more houses. But we must make sure that no cell is in 3 of these houses and we would not take the intersection of these houses (the intersection would be empty) but the cells which are in two of the houses.
Two-Houses-Cages-Difference with Overlapping would be:
For every pair of houses (row, column, nonet) look for all cages which are fully in the union of these sets. Calculate the difference of the values and use this as sum of the difference set and of the intersection.
Cages-Two-Houses-Difference with Overlapping:
For every pair of houses (nonet, row, column) look for the smallest set of cages that contains the union of these houses. Calculate the difference of the values and use this as difference of the sum of the difference set and the sum of the intersection.
These techniques would find some combinations of overlapping and 45. See this picture:
Here says the Two-Houses-Cages-Difference with Overlapping:
R1C5+R2C5+R5C5= 90-(20+9+21+24) = 16
The Cages-Two-Houses-Difference with Overlapping says:
(R1C6+R2C6)-R5C5= (20+20+9+21+24) - 90 = 4
Because of the difference this technique is not so simple as
the Two-Houses-Cages-Difference with Overlapping. Furtunately the simpler one is a generalized overlapping technique too.
If the intersection is empty we would get the 2 rules which I described above.