Result when generated:
- Code: Select all
..5.........4.....3....5.........1.4..1..2........372.......4.....8....9.8....3.2 122223333111122233145166223145166663745555563744448568799448568779998888777799998 ED=2.9/1.2/1.2
Older version:
Yesterday I already found an example with the same shape, also rated 2.9 with the newest version and 3.2 (x-wing) with the one of october.
I solved it by hand and found a naked quad, resulting in a hidden pair and finally the x-wing, which reduced the puzzle to pointing/claiming and naked/hidden subsets(max triple).
- Code: Select all
......73....1..58..2........7.....2.......8..........5..9.6.....8...6.......2.... 122223333111122233145166223145166663745555563744448568799448568779998888777799998 ED=2.9/1.2/1.2
So in the search of examples replacing generalized intersection by x-wing, I found the example above which replaced 2 generalized intersections, the first by x-wing and the second by generalized x-wing.
Is there a way to generate similar examples?
One possible solution is probably extending the fiendish rating(2.6 to 6.0) to 6.5 including generalized x-wings?